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ORDINANCE 2010-452 <br />AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 90, SECTION 90-109 FUTURE URBAN <br />SERVICE DISTRICT <br />THE CITY OF HUGO ORDAINS: <br />Section 1. The City Council of the City of Hugo does hereby amend Chapter 90, Section 90- <br />109, to state the following: <br />Sec. 90-109. Future urban service district (FUS). <br />(a) Purpose. The future urban service district (FUS) represents transition areas of the city that <br />have been identified in the city's comprehensive land use plan as being physically eligible, <br />fiscally practical, and generally suitable for future staging of urban services. The identified areas <br />may be located within or outside of the metropolitan urban service area, and require installation <br />of private well and septic systems until urban services are available. Development densities shall <br />not exceed one dwelling unit per ten acres. The intent of the district is to promote the <br />preservation of large parcels that are unencumbered by inefficient building and road layouts, and <br />to give notice to landowners that future extension of a full range of urban services into the area is <br />likely. The pending future land uses could be any use consistent with the city's comprehensive <br />plan. <br />(b) Permitted uses. The following are permitted uses in a FUS district: <br />(1) Agriculture, including sale of produce grown on premises (refer to section 90- <br />225). <br />(2) Daycare facilities, as defined by statute (refer to section 90-220). <br />(3) Essential public services (refer to section 90-223). <br />(4) Indoor Riding Arenas (refer to section 90-235) <br />(5) Plant nurseries, wholesale (refer to section 90-256). <br />(6) Recreational fields, structures and buildings, city only. <br />(7) Residential Facility (community residence) 1-6 individuals (refer to section 90- <br />218) <br />(8) Single-family detached dwellings (refer to section 90-266). <br />(c) Accessory uses. The following are permitted accessory uses in a FUS district: <br />(1) Accessory buildings (refer to section 90-204). <br />(2) Exterior storage (refer to section 90-224). <br />(3) Farm and garden produce sales (refer to section 90-225). <br />(4) Garages, private (refer to section 90-230). <br />(5) Home occupations (refer to section 90-232). <br />(6) Horse training and boarding facilities, private (refer to section 90-233). <br />(7) Kennels, commercial (refer to section 90-236) <br />(8) Kennels, hobby (refer to section 90-235) <br />