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s <br />ORDINANCE 2010-453 <br />AN ORDINANCE DELETING, ADDING AND AMENDING AN ARTICLE AND <br />SECTIONS OF CHAPTER 90, ZONING AND LAND USE <br />THE CITY OF HUGO ORDAINS: <br />Section 1. The City Council of the City of Hugo does hereby delete Section 90-97 Low Density <br />Residential (R-2), Section 90-207, Auto Service Station, Section 90-215/216 Rural Preservation <br />Program, Section 90-252, Office, Clinic and Professional Services, Section 90-258, Religious <br />Worship Facility, and Section 90-264 Shopping Centers. <br />Section 2. The City Council of the City of Hugo does hereby add Section 90-221.1 Drive- <br />through Business and Section 90-276 Farmhand Living Quarters, to state the following: <br />90- 276 Farmhand Living Quarters <br />On properties 20 acres or more in size, located in the Future Urban Service, Rural Residential, <br />Agricultural, and Long Term Agricultural Districts a second dwelling shall be allowed for living <br />quarters for a farmhand. The second dwelling shall only be allowed with approval of an interim <br />use permit upon finding that the following conditions have been met: <br />a) The primary use of the property shall be a bona fide agricultural operation of sufficient size <br />to necessitate the assistance of a farmhand. <br />b) The living quarters shall be for employees hired to conduct work on the farm or members of <br />the family. <br />c) The living quarters shall not be used or rented out for any purpose other than agriculture. <br />d) The living quarters shall meet all zoning and building code requirements <br />e) There shall be no variances involved in the request. <br />f) Within 12 months of the date that agricultural operations on the property cease, the second <br />dwelling shall be removed or the property shall be subdivided and meet all code <br />requirements. <br />Sec 90-221.1 Drive-through businesses <br />(a) It is unlawful for any person to construct or operate a drive-through business, except in <br />accordance with this regulation. <br />(b) The main entrance to all drive-through businesses must be located on a state highway, <br />county road, or city commercial collector street. <br />(c) The minimum lot width of a drive-through business shall be 150 feet. <br />(d) All traffic utilizing the business, including vehicle parking, stacking and waiting areas, <br />shall be provided for on site and off public roads, alleys, and other easements. <br />(e) The drive-through lane shall provide a minimum of 180 feet of drive aisle stacking space. <br />The lane shall include the stacking area, order box and pick-up window. The lane shall be <br />at least 200 feet from a residentially zoned property and meet all setback requirements. If <br />