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RULE C: STORM©WATER MANAGEMENT PLANS <br />POLICY. It is the policy of the Board of Managers to: <br />(a) Manage stormwater and snowmelt runoff on a regional <br />or subwatershed basis and promote natural infiltration <br />of runoff throughout the District to: <br />(1) Provide effective water quality treatment <br />and where possible provide such treatment prior to discharge to surface <br />waterbodies and wetlands. <br />(2) Ensure that future peak rates of runoff are less than or equal to existing <br />rates. <br />(3) Maximize infiltration and control runoff <br />volume increase. <br />(b) Require stormwater facilities to be ,constructed on <br />individual sites where regional facilities are not <br />available. <br />2. REGULATION. A permit and stormwater management plan is <br />required under this rule for new development, redevelopment, or <br />additions to an existing site. <br />3. DESIGN CRITERIA FOR STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLANS. Stormwater <br />management plans must comply with the following criteria: <br />(a) A hydrograph method based on sound hydrologic theory <br />must be used to analyze stormwater runoff for the design <br />or analysis of flows and water levels within and off the <br />project site. <br />(b) Stormwater runoff rates for the proposed project <br />must not exceed pre project runoff rates for the critical <br />one-year or two-year and 100 -year frequency events. <br />(c) Regional detention basins will be utilized to manage <br />peak flow rates and meet water quality objectives where <br />possible. On site detention basins will be utilized when <br />regional basins are not in place or are not feasible. <br />(d) Analysis of flood levels, storage volumes, and flow <br />rates for waterbodies and detention basins must be based <br />on the range of rainfall and snow melt durations which <br />produces the critical (highest) flood levels and <br />discharges. <br />(e) Detention basins must be designed to provide: <br />(1) An outlet structure to control the one-year or two-year and 100 -year <br />frequency events to pre -project peak runoff rates. <br />(2) An identified overflow spillway sufficiently stabilized to convey <br />flows greater than the 100 -year critical storm event. <br />(3) Access for future maintenance. <br />(f) Permanent sedimentation and water quality ponds are required and must be <br />designed to provide: <br />(1) Water quality features consistent with NURP criteria and District wet pond <br />criteria (see appendix <br />(2) A permanent wet pool with dead storage of at least equal to the runoff from <br />a 2.5 rainfall over the area tributary to the pond. <br />(3) An outlet structure capable of preventing migration of floating debris and <br />oils for at least the one-year storm. <br />(4) Access for future maintenance. <br />(g) The proposed project must not adversely affect water levels off the site <br />during or after construction <br />(h) Stormwater Management Plans under this rule must conform with approved <br />Municipal Stormwater Management Plans. <br />