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2003.06.02 ORD 2003-374
City Council
City Council Ordinances
2003 CC Ordinances
2003.06.02 ORD 2003-374
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Last modified
10/26/2017 2:11:55 PM
Creation date
5/11/2015 3:02:08 PM
City Council
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Meeting Date
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B., Deliveries of previous sold goods or services in the regular course of business or deliveries or sales <br />made as a part of a regular established route to preexisting customers. <br />C. Vendors who make an uninvited call upon the occupant of a residence as a preliminary step to the <br />- establishment of regular route services for the sale and delivery of commodities and services to regular <br />customers such as vendors of milk, groceries, and other perishable commodities; soft water service; <br />laundry and dry cleaning pick-up and delivery and newspapers. <br />D. Any sale under Court Order. <br />E. Any bona fide auction sale by a City resident. <br />F. Sidewalk sales authorized by the City Council. <br />G. Garage sales or rummage sales when conducted by a non-profit organization, or when conducted upon <br />the premises of the owner of the articles being offered for sale, provided that such sales do not last <br />longer than 72 hours, and provided that no more than three sales be conducted on any given location <br />within one year. <br />H. Sale of admissions by local school students to a school function or by local bona fide civic or non-profit <br />organizations for entertainment functions sponsored by such organizations. <br />I. Sales allowed by state law which prohibit local licensing or regulation. <br />SECTION 4. Applications. Applicants for a permit under this ordinance shall file with the City <br />Administrator a sworn application in writing on a form to be furnished by the City which will give the <br />following information: <br />A. The name and permanent home and business address of the applicant and all persons to be associated <br />with the applicant in the business or activity. <br />B. A brief description of the nature of the business or the purpose or cause for which the permit is sought. <br />C. If the permit is sought to be issued in the name of an organization or other business entity, the names <br />and addresses of the principal officers and directors of the organization and the address and phone <br />number of the main office or headquarters of the organization conducting or sponsoring the activity and <br />the names and addresses of the persons directly supervising and responsible for the business, <br />solicitation, or activity to be conducted. <br />D. In the case of transient merchants, the place where the business is to be carried on, the length of time <br />for which the permit is sought and a general description of the goods or merchandise to be sold. <br />E. A list of the last three municipalities, if any, where the applicant carried on a business or activity similar <br />to the one for which the permit is sought. <br />F. The names and addresses of at least three references who will substantiate the applicant's moral <br />character and business responsibility or other evidence of the character and responsibility of the <br />applicant. <br />G. Applicant's Minnesota Sales Tax Permit Number, if applicable. <br />
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