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2000.03.06 ORD 2000-337
City Council
City Council Ordinances
2000 CC Ordinances
2000.03.06 ORD 2000-337
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10/26/2017 2:11:52 PM
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5/11/2015 3:52:56 PM
City Council
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148.05 Once such notice is given, the alleged violator shall, within thirty (30) days of the <br />time of issuance of the notice, pay the amount set forth on the Schedule of Penalties <br />for the violation, or the alleged violator may request a hearing, in writing, as <br />provided in Section 148.06. The penalty shall be made payable to "The City of <br />Hugo" and may be paid in person or by mail. Payment shall be deemed to be an <br />admission of the violation. <br />148.06 Any licensee contesting an administrative penalty or suspension or revocation may, <br />within seven (7) days of the time of issuance of the Notice of Violation, request a <br />hearing before the City Council, who shall conduct a hearing to determine if a <br />violation has occurred. Any such hearing shall be conducted pursuant to the <br />provisions of Hugo City Code Chapter 232 (the Civil Penalty Ordinance). The City <br />Council shall have the authority to dismiss the violation, if not proved, or reduce or <br />waive the penalty for good cause shown. If the violation is sustained by the City <br />Council, the violator shall pay the administrative fine imposed and the violator's <br />license shall be suspended or revoked as provided in this Ordinance. <br />148.07 If the Council imposes a civil fine, the Council shall also allow the licensee a <br />reasonable time to pay the fine. A "reasonable time to pay" means that all fines <br />shall be paid within sixty (60) days unless the Council determines that a longer <br />period of time is justified under the circumstances of the case. Failure of a licensee <br />to pay a fine within sixty (60) days (or within the time otherwise allowed by the <br />Council) shall cause that license to become immediately suspended until full <br />payment is received by the City Clerk. Any license holder who has had their license <br />suspended or revoked pursuant to any of the terms of this Ordinance, shall not be <br />allowed to operate until the license is reinstated. Any operation during a period of <br />suspension or revocation shall be deemed to be an additional violation of the terms <br />of the license. <br />148.08 The City Council shall adopt, by Resolution, a Schedule of Offenses and <br />Administrative Penalties to be imposed upon the commission of a scheduled <br />offense. Said Schedule and/or penalties may be amended from time to time at the <br />discretion of the City Council. <br />148.09 No licensee whose license has been revoked shall have the right to apply for a new <br />license within the City for a period of one (1) year after the date of revocation, nor <br />shall such licensee be entitled to any refund of the annual license fee paid to the City <br />for the issuance of the license. <br />148.10 If the Commissioner of Public Safety has imposed a civil fine or suspended or <br />revoked the license of the licensee for the same act, imposition of any additional <br />penalty by the City is not precluded provided that the total fine, suspension or <br />revocation does not exceed the maximum allowed by Minnesota law. <br />2 <br />
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