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Section 2. Hugo City Code, Chapter 320, Appendix A, is hereby amended to add the <br />following definition: <br />Commercial/Industrial Building: Any building used for the production, processing, <br />storage or display of a product or service intended for <br />sale to a second party, or used in the production, <br />processing, storage or display of a component thereof. <br />For the purposes of this ordinance, agricultural <br />buildings are not defined as Commercial/Industrial <br />buildings. <br />Section 3. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect after its passage and publication <br />according to law. <br />Upon roll, Council members voting AYE: Barnes, Haas, Leroux, Petryk, Stoltzman <br />Voting NAY: NONE <br />Whereupon said ordinance was declared passed and adopted on this 3rd day of April, 2000. <br />Walter L. Stol man, Mayor <br />ATTEST: <br />Mary A reager, City Cler <br />Published in the White Bear Press this 12th day of April, 2000. <br />F: DATA\WORD\POLICY\COMBLDG <br />