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CITY OF HUGO <br />WASHINGTON COUNTY, MINNESOTA <br />ORDINANCE NO. 2000 - 344 <br />AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 320 (ZONING ORDINANCE) OF THE CITY <br />CODE TO CLASSIFY CERTAIN LAND LOCATED AT 12010 KEYSTONE AVENUE <br />THE CITY OF HUGO ORDAINS: <br />Section 1. Amendment of Cit.. Code_. Chapter 320 of the City Code of the City of Hugo, <br />Minnesota, is hereby amended by changing the classification on the City of Hugo Zoning Map <br />from Rural Residential to Residential Service with respect to 0.6 acres located at 12010 Keystone <br />Avenue, legally described as follows: <br />That part of the SEI/4 of the SEI/4 of Section 36, T3 IN, R21 W. <br />Section 2. Effective Date. This amendment shall take effect upon its passage and <br />publication. <br />ADOPTED by the City Council on November 6, 2000. <br />Walter L. Stoltzman, Mayor <br />ATTEST: <br />Mary & Creager, City Cl <br />