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UU11 -2r--, S 11 :bY HI'I HGUKt o+ -"T="- ----T -' <br />EXHIBIT A <br />That part of the North 1/2 of the Northwest 1/4 of Set:ion 29, Township 31, <br />Rhnqe 27, wasningtoa Caua.ty, Mlnne90:8, being that Part lying Ea9L Ot the <br />Notthern Pacific Railroad and Ola V,S. Highway No. 61: =2PT the South 20 <br />acres thereof and EXCEPT also that aercait tract of land in the Northeast <br />cornet thereof wide -a lies on tris Ncrtherly side oz the County !toad and Marg <br />particularly described in a deed to Alphonse J. and Deliola ftodarique dated <br />uctooar �zG, IY4 1, recorded Ootobcr 21, 1941, it Book 144 of Deeds, Pace 137 of <br />record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and f0z said Country. <br />ALsu 2xCEPT that part of :he North 1/2 of the Northwest 1/4 of section 29, <br />Township 31, Flange 21, Wdshinriton County, Minnesota described az follows; <br />Commencing at the North 1/4 corner of Section 29; thence, south along the EaA t <br />line of said North 1/2 of t:ho Northwoot 1/4 a dist*400 Of 82S feet; thence West <br />a distance of 362.5 Eiiat t6 c:enr..Yr 5f drainage ditch; chsasca NDrtk 26. deagreas <br />14 minutes West along said drainage ditch a distaunx of 150 it to point of <br />beginting; thence North 40 degrae6 59 minutes !hest and cootinuinq 01ong Said <br />drainage ditch a distance of 908 feet, more or less, to a point on the North <br />lino at Section 25 diattot 1020.30 feet weal of the Kurth 1/4 cornar of section <br />29; thence East &long said North line a distance of 471.7 feet to a point on <br />said North line disLa.nL 548.6 feet West of the Korth 1/4 corner of section 29, <br />which point is the point of beginntnq of rGadway easment as describ@d in <br />easement dsed dated October 20. 1941, reacrdoci October 21, 3941 in Book 136 of <br />Deeds, Page 607 in oftice 1n fiegibter of needs, Washington County, Minnasote; <br />thence Southea»tezly along said Road conterline a distance of 266 feet, mare or <br />leas, to point of intersection with line that bears North 11 degrees 31 minutes <br />Ra9t from point of .beginxing; thence south 11 degrees 31 minutes West along <br />said line a distance of 595 feet, more or less, to the point of bettinniny. <br />zxupT that part of the North 1/2 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 29, T-wrlst+ip <br />31, Range 21, Was:iiAgton County, biiiLnesota deacribe4 as follows: Commencing at <br />the North 1/4 Corner of Said Spr_ti.nn; t.henCe SoGth along the Nast line of said <br />North 1/7 of the Northwcat 1/4 a distance of P25 feet to the point of <br />beginning; thence west a distance of 362.5 teat to centar of drainage ditcht <br />thence North 26 degree~3 14 minutea Wast along said drainage ditch a disrsr,ce of <br />ISO feetr thence North 11 degrees 31 Minute$ Haat a distance of 595 feet, more <br />or less, to certerline: of County Road SA as dascribed in HajeMant: Dea in R00k <br />136 of Detda in Register of. Deads office in Wa.shfuuLOn County, Minnlasota; <br />tr.ence Southeasterly itlouq said. Centerline a distance of 403 deet, more or <br />less, to point of intersection with the East lino C4 the north 1/2 of the <br />NCrthweGt 1/4 of sa!d Soction; thence South 0 -lona raid Ease. line a distance or <br />d52 feet, more or lass, to the point of boginnirq. <br />