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ON <br />ORDINANCE 1999 - 333 <br />AN ORDINANCE REPEALING THE EXISTING CHAPTERS 82 (DRIVEWAYS), <br />98 (FENCES), 219 (PARKING AND LOADING AREAS), 240 (PLANNING), 266 <br />(SIGNS), 290 (SUBDIVISIONS), AND 320 (ZONING, SHORELAND MANAGEMENT <br />AND FLOODPLAINS) IN THEIR ENTIRETY AND ADOPTING A REVISED <br />CHAPTER 320 (COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE REGULATIONS) <br />SECTION 1. Purpose. The ordinance establishes regulations for the use, development, and <br />redevelopment of property within the City of Hugo in order to promote the public health, safety, <br />morals, and general welfare consistent with applicable law. The ordinance incorporates a broad <br />spectrum of land -use regulations into a single document to promote their understanding by the <br />public, aid in their implementation, and ensure consistency among regulations. <br />Section 2. Repeal of Existing Ordinances. The following Chapters of the Hugo City Code are <br />repealed in their entirety and replaced by this ordinance: <br />82 (DRIVEWAYS) <br />98 (FENCES) <br />219 (PARKING AND LOADING AREAS) <br />240 (PLANNING) <br />266 (SIGNS) <br />290 (SUBDIVISIONS) <br />320 (ZONING, SHORELAND MANAGEMENT, AND FLOODPLAINS) <br />Section 3. Content. The ordinance consists of eight (8) sections and five (5) appendices with <br />the following organization: <br />SECTION 1 - TITLE, AUTHORITY, AND IMPLEMENTATION <br />SECTION 2 - DEVELOPMENT AREAS <br />SECTION 3 - ZONING DISTRICTS <br />SECTION 4 - OVERLAY DISTRICTS <br />SECTION 5 - ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION <br />SECTION 6 - PERFORMANCE STANDARDS <br />SECTION 7 - LAND DIVISION AND PLATTING <br />SECTION 8 - ADMINISTRATION AND ENFORCEMENT <br />APPENDIX A - DEFINITIONS <br />APPENDIX B - BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES <br />APPENDIX C - PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS <br />APPENDIX D - STANDARDS FOR PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENTS IN <br />SHORELAND AREAS <br />APPENDIX E - REQUIRED SETBACK DISTANCES FROM WATER SUPPLY WELLS <br />Section 4. Adoption of Hugo City Code Chapter 320, Hugo Comprehensive Land Use <br />Regulations. The official copy of the ordinance on file with the City Clerk, is hereby adopted as <br />if herein printed in full. <br />Section 5. Enforcement. <br />Subd. A. Violation of this ordinance is a misdemeanor. The City of Hugo will obtain <br />appropriate civil or criminal remedies, where necessary, to enforce the provisions of <br />this ordinance. <br />Subd. B. No land -use request shall be granted, including, but not limited to, Conditional <br />Use Permits, variances, subdivisions, building permits, or Certificates of <br />Compliance, for any property not in conformance with this ordinance, unless such <br />F:/DATAPNORD20NEORD/ORD. DOC <br />