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D. Assigning costs and making charges based upon <br />expected typical storm water runoff cannot be done with <br />mathematical precision, but can only be accomplished within <br />reasonable and practical limits. The provisions of this section <br />undertake to establish a reasonable and practical methodology for <br />making such charges. <br />E. That the storm water utility fees shall apply to <br />those areas within the City of Hugo which exist within the 20/20 <br />Urban Development Area. This is consistent with this Ordinance's <br />purpose to develop a funding mechanism that will fairly charge land <br />owners based upon their use of the storm sewer system. The Council <br />finds that, historically, very little money is spent on maintaining <br />the storm water system outside the 20/20 Urban Development Area. <br />Instead, as land develops and as impervious surfaces increase, <br />costs related to storm water control also increase. <br />F. Based upon this same premise, land uses that have a <br />high percentage of impervious surface (and which generate large <br />volumes of runoff) such as commercial and industrial areas, would <br />be charged more than land uses that have a small amount of <br />impervious surfaces, and which generate less runoff, such as <br />residential areas. <br />275.03 Definitions. <br />The following words, terms, and phrases, when used in <br />this Ordinance, shall have the meaning ascribed to them in this <br />section, except where the context clearly indicates a different <br />meaning: <br />A. Surface water utility fee means the quarterly charge <br />for each parcel of non-exempt property in the City for the <br />management of storm water. <br />B. Residential equivalency factor ("REF") means the <br />ratio of runoff volume, in inches, for a particular land use, to <br />the runoff volume, in inches, for a one -third -acre residential lot, <br />assuming a 2.4 inch rainfall and soil conservation (SCS) "Type B" <br />soil conditions. <br />275.04 Surface water utility fees. <br />A. The residential equivalency factors for various land <br />uses within the City are as follows: <br />2 <br />