<br />ORDINANCE: 1998-319
<br />The City Council of the City of Hugo,
<br />Washington County, Minnesota, does hereby
<br />ordain as follows:
<br />37.01 Definitions.
<br />The following words, terms, and phrases,
<br />when used in this Section, shall have the mean-
<br />ings ascribed to them in this Section, except
<br />where the context clearly indicates a different
<br />meaning.
<br />(a) Alarm System means an assembly of
<br />equipment and devices (or a single device such
<br />as a solid state unity which plugs directly into a
<br />one -hundred -ten volt AC line) arranged to sig-
<br />nal the presence of a hazard requiring urgent
<br />attention and to which public safety personnel
<br />are expected to respond.
<br />(b) Audible Alarm means a device designed
<br />for the detection of unauthorized entry on
<br />premises, and which, when actuated, generates
<br />an audible sound on or near the premises.
<br />(c) Criminal Activity means entrance upon
<br />or into the property of another, taking the prop-
<br />erty of another, or damaging the property of
<br />another without permission. Criminal activity
<br />includes burglary, robbery, assault, theft, dam-
<br />age to property, or other crimes as defined by
<br />State law.
<br />(d) False Alarm means any alarm system
<br />triggered by some reason other than the activity
<br />the alarm is designed to detect. It does not
<br />include activation of the alarm by acts of God or
<br />by utility company power outages.
<br />(e) Public Safetv�el means any law
<br />enforcement officer, fire department member,
<br />emergency medical response personnel, or
<br />other individuals responding in the aid of public
<br />safety or rescue.
<br />37.02 Response to False Alarms.
<br />(a) A fee, as established by Council
<br />Resolution, shall be paid to the City for the
<br />fourth response and each subsequent response
<br />by the City's public safety personnel within one
<br />(1) calendar year to a false alarm.
<br />(b) The City may collect such fee by what-
<br />ever means necessary, including the institution
<br />of a civil action against the person responsible
<br />for the payment of such fee or certifying the fee
<br />on the property tax.
<br />37.03 False Alarm Reports.
<br />(a) The City Administrator, the Sheriff, the
<br />Fire Chief and/or Fire Marshall may require the
<br />person in control of the alarm system to submit
<br />a written report after any false alarm. The report
<br />shall contain information specified by the per-
<br />son making the request.
<br />(b) The City Administrator, the Sheriff, the
<br />Fire Chief and/or Fire Marshall may excuse
<br />false alarms associated with their respective
<br />departments when there is evidence that
<br />they
<br />are the result of an effort or order to upgrade,
<br />install, or maintain an alarm system if one (1) or
<br />more false alarms result from the same mal-
<br />function within a seven (7) day period.
<br />37.04 Audible Alarm Requirements.
<br />(a) All audible alarms shall meet the
<br />requirements of this Section.
<br />(b) Every person maintaining an audible
<br />alarm shall post a notice containing the name
<br />and telephone number of the persons to be
<br />notified to render repairs or service during any
<br />hour of the day or night that the alarm sounds.
<br />Such notice shall be posted at the main entry to
<br />such premises or near the alarm in such a posi-
<br />tion as to be legible from the ground level adja-
<br />cent to the building or kept currently corrected
<br />on file with the City Administrator, the Sheriff's
<br />Office, and/or the Fire Marshal's office.
<br />(c) Audible alarms that sound like police
<br />and fire sirens are forbidden.
<br />(d) Audible alarms shall have an automatic
<br />shut-off which will silence the audible alarm
<br />within a period not to exceed twenty (20) min-
<br />utes and such alarms shall not sound for more
<br />than twenty (20) minutes during any hour.
<br />37.05 Dishonored Checks.
<br />In addition to the requirements of
<br />Minnesota Statutes Section 609.535 pertaining
<br />to the issuance of dishonored checks, whenev-
<br />er restitution is made by the issuer by means of
<br />a dishonored check after service of Notice of
<br />Dishonor by the City, an administrative fee, as
<br />established by Council resolution,
<br />check lobe be
<br />to the City of Hugo by
<br />order, made payable to the City of Hugo.
<br />37.06 Effective Date.
<br />This ordinance shall be in full force and
<br />effect from and after its passage and publica-
<br />tion according to law.
<br />Passed and adopted by the City Council of
<br />the City of Hugo, Washington County,
<br />Minnesota, this 16th day of March, 1998.
<br />Fran Miron, Mayor
<br />Attest
<br />1 Mary Ann Creager, City Clerk
<br />Published in the White Bear Press April 1,
<br />1998.
<br />County of Ramsey )
<br />I, the publisher, or the publisher's designated agent, being duly sworn,
<br />on oath state that I am the publisher, or the publisher's designated
<br />agent and an employee of the newspaper known as The White Bear
<br />Press, and that I have full knowledge of the facts which are stated
<br />below:
<br />(A) The newspaper has complied with all of the requirements constitut-
<br />ing qualification as a qualified newspaper, as provided by Minnesota
<br />Statute 331A.02, 331A.07, and other applicable laws, as amended.
<br />(B) The Printed City of Hugo
<br />Ordinance No. 1998-319
<br />which is attached was cut from the columns of said newspaper, and
<br />was printed and published once each week, for 1 successive weeks;
<br />it was first published on Wednesday , the 1 day of
<br />_April , 1928 , and was thereafter printed and published on
<br />every to and including ,
<br />the day of , 19 ; and printed below is a
<br />copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, which is
<br />hereby acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used in the
<br />composition and publication of the notice:
<br />abcdefg hij klmnopq rstuvwxyz
<br />TITLE: Publisher
<br />Subscribed and sworn to before me on
<br />this 1 day of April _J998
<br />Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn.
<br />My commission expiresJanuary 31, 2000.
<br />(1) Lowest classified rate paid by
<br />commercial users for comparable
<br />space.
<br />(2) Maximum rate allowed by law for
<br />the above matter.
<br />(3) Rate actually charged for the
<br />above matter.
<br />(Line, word, or inch rate)
<br />(Line, word, or inch rate)
<br />$ 5.50/inch
<br />(Line, word, or inch rate)
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