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Call to Order and Introductions <br /> Mayor Weidt called the meeting to order and the attendees introduced themselves. <br /> Update on the January 29.2015 Water Summit <br /> At the January 29,2015 Water Summit, Hugo City Administrator Bryan Bear provided an update <br /> on the White Bear Lake Settlement Agreement, the Northeast Metro Project,and the <br /> Groundwater Management Area. Consequences and alternatives were discussed. The group <br /> agreed there needed to be discussions on alternatives to the White Bear Lake Settlement <br /> Agreement, and it was agreed a resolution needed to be drafted and passed by all cities. Several <br /> bills have been introduced in the Legislature. The most recent bill was S.F 1910 which <br /> appropriates$1,500,000 to the commissioner of natural resources for a study to evaluate long- <br /> term water supply sustainability in the North and East Metro, identify options to address any <br /> challenges identified to the North and East Metro's long-term water supply sustainability, and <br /> assess the feasibility of those options. <br /> Discussion <br /> The DNR talked about the North and East Metro Ground Water Management Area Plan and the <br /> White Bear Lake Settlement Agreement. Bob Meier stated that the DNR needs to make a good <br /> faith effort to uphold the agreement,and S.F. 1910 would buy more time to allow them to study <br /> all options. He encouraged the cities to comment on the bill so it could be tweaked to be <br /> acceptable to the cities instead of it being opposed by them. The group talked about the need to <br /> collaborate with all entities, including the Rice Creek Watershed District. Many commented on <br /> the communities making up the GWMA stating that some cities should be excluded and others <br /> included. It was suggested that, if studies showed they were of no impact to the GWMA,then <br /> they would be completely taken out of it. Communities should also be able to review the scope <br /> of the study,and data should be analyzed on an ongoing basis. Attendees from the City of <br /> Columbus expressed opposition to the Plan stating the DNR wants control over all the water. It <br /> was also recognized that the term"sustainability"needed to be defined. <br /> Conclusion <br /> The group agreed to hold another meeting in June or July,2015. <br /> Adjournment <br /> Mayor Weidt adjourned the meeting at approximately 8:40 p.m. <br /> Respectfully Submitted. <br /> \-ftele Lin au <br /> City Clerk <br />