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suggestions were to have it subject to a referendum and let the voters decide, rely on <br /> donations,or issue bonds for the project. <br /> The Council generally agreed that the cost was more than expected,though they <br /> acknowledged that they designed the park with the amenities they wanted without a <br /> budget in mind. Less expensive improvements could be done first and amenities added in <br /> future years,or some things in the plan could be reduced. The Council did not want to <br /> rely on future Councils to complete it, if phased. The Council talked about waiting until <br /> 2020 to bond the project, keeping the tax rate flat. Council agreed it needed to go back to <br /> the Parks Commission for more discussion on strategizing and/or modifying the plan. <br /> Miscellaneous Discussion <br /> Council discussed the way the Council was getting paid for going to meetings,and they <br /> talked about the length of the Mayor's term. Staff will explore how it is done in other <br /> cities.There was brief discussion on communication in the City,online bill pay, security, <br /> water conservation projects, and having a Hugo vehicle with passenger capacity to use <br /> for driving groups of people.Also discusses was future needs of the Fire Department and <br /> whether future improvements could lower homeowners' insurance rates in rural Hugo. <br /> Conclusion <br /> Staff will present the preliminary tax levy resolution for approval at the next regular.City <br /> Council meeting, keeping the tax rate the same. <br /> Miron made motion,Klein seconded,to adjourn at 8:42 p.m. <br /> All Ayes. Motion carried. <br /> Respectfully Submitted, <br /> .111Y\ r\A"k"..12A.A- <br /> Michele Lindau <br /> City Clerk <br />