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1991.03.18 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
1991 CC Minutes
1991.03.18 CC Minutes
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City Council
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City Council meeting of March 18, 1991 <br />Page 4 <br />Goi.ffon about the possibility of using the Goiffon gravel pit to haul the <br />debris, and have the Fire Department use the site to burn the brush. It <br />was also suggested that this matter be placed in the up -coming Newsletter <br />asking that residents take care of brush adjacent to their property on a <br />volUr-Iteer basis. <br />PURCHASE OF SHERIFF'S SQUAD CAR <br />Over the last several years, the City of Hugo Has been purchasing its <br />sheriff's squad car through Washington County when they replace their <br />vehicles each year. Because of a change in personnel with the sheriff's <br />department, they failed to notify the City that the order was being placed <br />for these vehicles in mid-February. We now have a deadline of March 15th <br />to place this order, however, Grossman Chevrolet said they may be able to <br />place the order on the morning of March 19th. The vehicle to be purchased <br />was a 1991 Chevrolet Caprice police package. It is to be purchased under <br />the Washington County Fleet Order #W-5062-1. The lowest bidder was <br />Grossman Chevrolet at a bid price of $12,359.00. <br />McAllister made motion, Miron seconded, to approve the purchase of a 1991 <br />Chevrolet Caprice from Grossman Chevrolet, at a bid price of $122.7-59.00. <br />The purchase to be made under the Washington County Fleet Order #W-50621'-1. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />PAUL.. HUSNIk:: LETTER <br />The City Council received a copy of a letter from Mr. Paul Husnik: <br />regarding a possible drainage problem adjacent to his property in the <br />subdivision of La4::e Air Estates. This matter was brought to the City's <br />attention in 1990, and was reviewed by members of the City Council at that <br />time. Because the City has no policy or funding for the maintenance of <br />ditches within the City, the Council has limited activities to cleaning <br />and maintenance that result in flooding of City streets or other public <br />property (i.e., Geneva and 148th St., Goodview Ave., Fitzgerald Ave.). At <br />a minimum, it was the intent that the City's Water Management Plan.provide <br />for a position statement regarding the maintenance of drainage ditches in <br />the future. This position statement is to identify ditches of hiqh <br />priority, cost of ditch maintenance, options for funding ditch <br />maintenance, and what kind of drainage ditches should be allowed in the <br />future. In the absence of a policy and funding program, the City will <br />probably be best off to permit the property owners affected in Lake Air <br />Estates to clean out the ditch in question at their own expense. The City <br />could provide a location for the depositing of the material removed during <br />the cleaning of said ditch. Responsibility for these types of drainage <br />ditches has been discussed by the City Council in the past. Open drainage <br />ditches have been allowed in Hugo in an effort to keep down the cost of <br />development. One should L::eep in mind that it is extremely diffict..tlt for <br />the City, with its limited staff and financial resources, to monitor <br />activities in these developments once housing construction is complete. <br />Problems with maintenance of ditches is compounded by home owners changinc <br />their yard elevations to accommodate landscaping and other physical <br />
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