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1991.03.18 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
1991 CC Minutes
1991.03.18 CC Minutes
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City Council
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City Council meeting of March 18, 1991 <br />Page 6 <br />GARBAGE AND REFUSE SERNICE <br />In an effort to help provide the City Council with some direction in <br />dealing with garbage collection and recycling in Hugo, the City staff <br />conducted a survey of area haulers to determine what service is currently <br />being provided. The enclosed memo is self-explanatory. In that there are <br />many different alternatives that the City Council may want to pursue, it <br />would be helpful if they could narrow down their preference so as to <br />minimize the amount of research necessary by the staff. The City Council <br />may want to consider the following options or variations of these options: <br />.1. Mandate garbage service to all residences with a single designated <br />hauler, billed by the City, utilizing a mandated recycling program. <br />2. Same as above, only allow multiple garbage haulers with billing to be <br />provided by each individual hauler. <br />3. Make garbage service optional to Hugo residents with recycling <br />available only to those having regular garbage service (current). <br />4. Allow garbage service to be optional, and the City provide, by <br />contract, a recycling service at City expense. Estimated cost, <br />$16,000 per year subject to annual modification. <br />It was Councilman Miron's opinion that any time YOU can get people to <br />agree to work with the City, without writing ordinances, Hugo will be <br />better off. <br />Miron made motion, McAllister seconded, to direct the City staff to write <br />letters to garbage haulers, not currently providing recycling a service to <br />their customers, asking them to provide this recyling, and ast=:ing them to <br />to keep documentation as to the recycling tonnage obtained in Hugo so that <br />the City can receive credit. Responses to be received by April 30, 1991. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />MISCELLANEOUS <br />The City received a letter from William Sherman, 9130 125th Street, <br />regarding the requirement that he plant trees for screening on his <br />property. <br />McAllister made motion, Miron, that the City grant a six-month extension <br />to William Sherman to install the required trees on his property located <br />at 91.0 125th Street. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />Councilman Miron discussed the lace: of lighting at the entrance to the new <br />senior housing building on Highway 61. Administrator Huber is to report <br />on the cost/location to have a street liqht installed at that location. <br />Councilman Miron stated that he had received calls from residents <br />regarding the taxing classification listed on their Notice of Valuation <br />received from the County. It was his suggestion that the City obtain a <br />
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