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City Council meeting of July 1, 1991 <br />Pace 2 <br />VARIANCE REQUEST - ACCESSORY BLDG SETBACK (SCHR I BER ) <br />Mr. Randy Schriber of 15275 Elmcrest Avenue has made application to the <br />City of Hugo for a variance request to allow the construction of an <br />accessory building between the principal residence and the road. The <br />structure in question would be located approximately 660' from Elmcrest <br />Avenue, and would be 80' closer to the road than the existing house. The <br />property in question is described as the N 1/2 of the S 1/2 of the NW 1/4 <br />of the SW 1/4 of Section 18, T.31N, R1W, Washington County, MN. The <br />current zoning of the property is agriculture, and consists of <br />approximately 10.76 acres. The 36' x 60' accessory structure is to be <br />used for residential purposes only. The request is consistent with <br />Council policy regarding allowing accessory buildings in front of the <br />principal structure in rural areas where there is a significant setback <br />from the road to the principal structure. <br />McAllister made motion, Brunotte seconded, to approve the variance request <br />of Randy Schriber to allow the construction of a 36' x 60' accessory <br />building between the principal residence and the road on his property at <br />15275 Elmcrest Avenue. The building is to be used for residential <br />purposes only. <br />All ave. Motion Carried. <br />VARIANCE REQUEST tL. GESSNER) <br />Lyman and Donna Gessner of 16652 Ingersoll Avenue North (RID 9ZO10-2400) <br />have made application to the City of Hugo for a variance to construct an <br />840 square foot detached accessory building 18' from the side property <br />line (20' is required), and 24' from the rear property line (50' is <br />required). The property in question is zoned agriculture, and is <br />approximately one acre in size. The Deputy Zoning Administrator reviewed <br />the site in question, and has indicated that if the building were to be <br />located on site to the north, the building would be placed in a flood <br />plain. Alternate locations on site were looked at, and would have <br />involved the removal of trees and/or locating the garage too close to the <br />applicant's septic system. The proposed building is to be used for <br />residential purposes only. The Board of Zoning Adjustments considered <br />this request at their meeting of June 26, 1991, and unanimously <br />recommended approval of said request. <br />Miron made motion, Jesinsk:i seconded, to approve the variance request. of <br />Lyman Gessner to construct an 940 square foot detached accessory building <br />18' from the side property line and 24' from the rear property line at:. <br />16652 Ingersoll Avenue. The building is to be used for residential <br />purposes only. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />REQUEST FOR USE OF PARK FACIL.IT1'ES <br />On behalf of the Blacksmith Lounge softball team, Mr. Mark: Duppong is <br />requesting use of the City park:, picnic shelter, and ball ield for a team <br />picnic_ on August ?, 1991. The City staff recommend approval of this <br />request be subject to the standard special conditions for park: use. <br />