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City Council meeting of September 16, 1991 <br />Page <br />12. All property owners shall be held responsible for maintenance of <br />drainage areas within the easements on their property and deed <br />restrictions shall limit activities permitted in these drainage areas. <br />13. Developer shall deposit with the City $5,000 to cover legal, <br />engineering, administrative, and other costs related to this <br />development. <br />14. Developer agrees that lots abutting on cul-de-sacs or termination <br />turnarounds of streets shall be provided with adequate off street <br />parking, such that the City could prohibit on street parking if deemed <br />necessary for safety or maintenance purposes. <br />15. Developer shall provide a financial guarantee, in the amount of <br />$110,556, to assure the required public improvements will be <br />installed, as per the Developer's Agreement. Said guarantee to be <br />provided before recording of the plat. <br />16. Developer shall be responsible for street signing, seal coating, <br />identifying mailbox locations, providing as -built drawings, and <br />installation of trees and culverts within the development, as <br />required. <br />17. Any exterior lighting or advertising activities on site must be <br />approved by the City. <br />18. Drainage and erosion control methods proposed for this development <br />shall be complete prior to the City accepting the roadway or public <br />improvements serving this development. <br />19. The developer shall comply with the permit from the DNR establishing a <br />ditch profile with elevations and provisions for future maintenance of <br />the drainage area. <br />20. The developer is to provide a westerly roadway extension at the time <br />of final plat approval of Phase 4. Future plat phasing must be <br />consistent with the approved preliminary plat of February 5, 1990. <br />21. The lowest floor elevation of any structure in the plat shall be a <br />minimum of 2' above the 100 -year high water mark, or 4' above the high <br />ground water mark, whichever is greater, or as specified on the <br />preliminary plat. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />DEVELOPER'S AGREEMENT (BIRCH TREE PONDS 3RD ADDITION)_ <br />The proposed Development Agreement has been accepted by Mr. Jim Merila, <br />and assures the proper development and improvements in conjunction with <br />Birch Tree Ponds 3rd Addition. <br />McAllister made motion, Stotlzman seconded, to approve the Development <br />Agreement for BIRCH TREE PONDS 3RD ADDITION, between the City of Hugo and <br />James R. Merila, and authorize the Mayor to sign said Agreement on behalf <br />of the City of Hugo. Approval is subject to Mr. Merila providing the <br />required letter of credit (Subd. 6) and payment of all fees. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />SPECIAL USE PERMIT - PUD (WEGLEITNER/KENCO) <br />Pursuant to Chapter 320-5, Subd. K* of the municipal code, Martin and <br />Sandra Wegleitner have made application to the City of Hugo for a Special <br />