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City Council meeting of October 7, 1991 <br />Page 4 <br />Jesins�;i made motion, Miron seconded, to approve the variance request of <br />Wayne/Martha Ellison to construct a 780 square foot attached garage on Lot <br />2, Block 2, Dellwood Ridge (aka 7175 125th Street). The proposed garage <br />is to be used for residential purposes only. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />REZONING REQUEST (HATHAWAY/DESLAURIES) <br />On behalf of Marjorie Hathaway, 790 Lower Colonial Drive, Mendota, <br />Minnesota, Mr. Ron Deslauries has made application to the City of Hugo for <br />the rezoning of a 21 acre tract of land from Agriculture to Industrial. <br />The property is located at the southeast corner of 170th St. and Highway <br />61 (Tax parcel 3200). The Planning Commission and City Council denied an <br />earlier request to use this property for an auto dismantling yard. In <br />August of 1990, the Hugo Planning Commission recommended approval of a <br />Special Use Permit to erect a single family residence and allow outdoor <br />storage of boats, RV's, pontoons, and trailers. This request was never <br />brought before the City Council for approval as the applicants apparently <br />could not meet the special conditions of permit approval. The rezoning <br />request in question does not conform with the City's current comprehensive <br />plan for the area and does not appear to conform with the proposed use of <br />the property as identified on the amended comprehensive plan map currently <br />being worked on by the Hugo Planning Commission. The Planning Commission <br />considered this matter at their meeting of September 25, 1991, and <br />unanimously recommended approval of the rezoning request of M. <br />Hathaway/Ron Deslauries to rezone 21 acres from Agricultural to <br />Industrial. <br />Brunotte made motion, Stoltzman seconded, to adopt AN ORDINANCE AMENDING <br />CHAPTER 320 OF THE HUGO CITY CODE ENTITLED "ZONING" BY AMENDING THE ZONING <br />DISTRICT CLASSIFICATION OF THE DESCRIBED REAL PROPERTY. <br />VOTING AYE: Brunotte <br />VOTING NAY: Jesinski, Miron, Stoltzman <br />Motion Failed. <br />The rezoning was denied based on the fact that the proposed industrial <br />zoning classification does not conform with the proposed, or existing, <br />comprehensive plan for the City of Hugo. <br />SPECIAL USE PERMIT (DAVIS) <br />Dar, and Gloria Davis of 8745 122nd St. No., have made application to the <br />City of Hugo for a Special Use Permit to construct a 2'6' X 30' pole shed <br />on their property described as Lot 1, Bloc4:: 1, Found La4::e Addition. <br />Currently there is a •_0' X 48' (1440 sq. ft.) post frame building on the <br />site. Total square footage would be 2,220 sq. ft. of accessory storage. <br />City ordinances require a spacial use permit for acc•_sscry sto;-aye <br />e.cceeding 1,800 sq. ft, in an RR2 zoning district. In his correspondence <br />to the City, Mr. Dan Davis has indicated that the structure will be used <br />for personal storage and a small hobby workshop. He has assured the City <br />that the shed will not be used for any business purposes. The Planning <br />