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City Council meeting of January ^, 1990 <br />Wage 22 <br />Atkinson made motion, McAllister seconded, to designate Howard k:uusisto as, <br />the City engineer for the City of Hugo in 1990. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />APPOINT CITY ATTORNEY <br />Currently, Mr. Charles Johnson serves as the City attorney for the City of <br />Hugo. <br />Atkinson made motion, McAllister seconded, to designate Charles Johnson as <br />the City attorney for the City of Hugo in 1990. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />APPOINT CITY PROSECUTORS <br />Currently, Mrs. Sarah Mardell and Mr. Richard Hocking serve as City <br />prosecutors for the City of Hugo. <br />Atkinson made motion, McAllister seconded, to designate Sarah Mardell and <br />Richard Hocking as the City prosecutors for the City of Hugo in 1990. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />APPOINT CIVIL DEFENSE DIRECTOR <br />Currently, Mr. Ron Istvanovich serves as the civil defense director for <br />the City of Hugo. <br />Atkinson made motion, McAllister seconded, to designate Ron Istvanovich as <br />the Civil Defense Director for the City of Hugo in 1990. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />APPOINT FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICERS <br />Currently, the Fire Department officers are as follows: Ron Istvanovich, <br />Fire Chief, Jim Wisner, 1st Assistant Chief, and Jim Compton, end <br />Assistant Chief. <br />Atkinson made motion, McAllister seconded, to appoint the Fire Department <br />officers for 1990 as follows: Ron Istvanovich, Fire Chief, Jim Wisner, <br />1st Assistant Chief, and Jim Compton, 22nd Assistant Chief. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />APPOINT ZONING ADMINISTRATOR <br />Currently, the zoning administrator for the Citi; of Hugo is City <br />Administrator, Ken Huber, and the deputy zoning administrator is Jahn <br />Benson. <br />