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1990.01.02 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
1990 CC Minutes
1990.01.02 CC Minutes
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City Council. meeting January 2, 1990 <br />Page 4 <br />ECIAL USE PERMIT - TEEN NIGHT CLUB (WILL HARRIS <br />On behalf of Will Harris Investments, Inc., Mr. Will Harris has made <br />application to the City of Hugo for a special use permit to operate a <br />teenage night club on the premises identified as 17255 Forest Blvd. No., <br />Hugo, Minnesota. The property is legally described as shown on the site <br />plan submitted. Mr. Harris has identified Mr. Murray Wright and Mr. Dave <br />Doris as the proposed managers of this facility. The property in question <br />is currently zoned RB on the west and agriculture on the east. The <br />building is now the home of Willy's 61 Club. It is the intent of the <br />owner to use the entire building and grounds as a teenage night club three <br />days a week from 8:00 PM to 12:00 midnight. The other four days a week: <br />the building will be operated as an adult night club where alcoholic <br />beverages would be served. As per the staff's request, the applicants <br />have now provided an acceptable site plan identifying parking and traffic <br />flow on site. It should be noted that Mr. Harris owns more land than that <br />shown on the site plan, but the only portion of the property that is <br />affected by this special use permit will be that identified on the <br />approved plan. At the November 21, 1989 meeting of the Planning <br />Commission, said Commission indicated its concern regarding the sale of <br />alcoholic beverages on site at the same time the teenage night club would <br />be in operation. The applicants have stated they are requesting a permit <br />for the operation of a non-alcoholic teen night club, limited to ages 1.6 <br />to 20, to be operated a maximum of five consecutive nights, during each <br />calendar week, at the above mentioned location, and a regular night club <br />serving alcohol would be in operation the remaining two nights. All <br />liquor and beer would be locked and inaccessible on teen nights. Bottle <br />liquor would be locked in a storage room, all beer coolers would be locked <br />with bar locks, and all E::eg beer tapping systems would be disconnected". <br />The applicant has indicated that he will expand and improve the parking <br />lot as shown on the site plan this winter. An application has been made <br />with the Minnesota Department of Transportation regarding a second egress <br />from the site in question. The applicants have indicated they will comply <br />with the fire marshall's recommendation regarding installation of fire <br />extinguishers and panic hardware on all exit doors. It was pointed out to <br />the owner that the special use permit runs with the land and building in <br />question, and that he is responsible for seeing to it that the conditions <br />of the special use permit are adhered to if the property is to be managed <br />by someone other than himself. The Planning Commission held a hearing at <br />their meeting of December 27, 1989 to review this request, and recommended <br />approval of the SUP subject to special conditions. <br />McAllister made motion, Atkinson seconded, to approve the amended Special <br />Use Permit for Will Harris Investments, Inc., to operate a teenage night <br />club, for ages 16 to 20 years, on the premises identified as 17255 Forest <br />Blvd. North, according to the site plan submitted. Approval. is subject to <br />the -following special conditions: <br />1. The maximum occL.ipancy load of 710 will be identified, and a signed <br />statement of such be posted in the entrance to the building in <br />question. <br />�. No entertainment is to be allowed out the buil.dinq wi.ti�out. <br />receivinq prior City Council approval for each event. <br />
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