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City Council meeting of January 16, 1990 <br />Wage <br />has made no attempt to submit any house -construction plans or secure a <br />building permit for the construction of a residence on this site. As of <br />12/31/89, the City staff is considering Mr. Stanford k:rueger's $1,00(--) <br />deposit as forfeited, and is seeking the direction of the City Council <br />with regard to legal action to force removal of the building from the site <br />for failure to comply with condition numbers ?, 8, and 10 of the SUP. <br />Mr. Krueger was present at the meeting, and presented the Council with <br />copies of his contract for deed, an ingress/egress easement to his <br />property, and a certificate of survey. Mr. Krueger attempted to explain <br />why he could not pay off his contract of deed until 1992 preventing him <br />from obtaining a building permit. After review of the contract for deed, <br />City Attorney, Charles Johnson, stated that he did not see any impediment <br />to obtaining a building permit on the 40 acres. Mr. Krueger stated that <br />obtaining a mortgage would be the problem. The Council asked whether Mr. <br />Krueger had denied the city administrator access to his building, and Mr. <br />Krueger stated that he had, and that Mr. Huber should have made an <br />appointment to inspect the site. Mr. Krueger stated that he owns a <br />manufacturing business (farm toys) in Becker, Minnesota, and that he uses <br />his pole building in Hugo to store merchandise related to his Becker <br />business. At 7:25 PM, Councilman McAllister requested that Mr. Krueger <br />accompany him and Ron Otk%in to the pole building site to make an <br />inspection. Upon returning at 7:50 PM, the meeting was reconvened when i <br />was learned that Mr. Krueger did not have his keys with him to gain <br />entrance to the building. Mayor Atkinson stated that he was willing to <br />consider a short extension to the building permit requirement only after <br />assurance that Mr. Krueger is in compliance with Condition #3. Mr. <br />Krueger stated that he would not be able to move his farm toys and related <br />items over night, and it would take him some time to find a place to <br />rent. It was the general consensus of the Council present that the City <br />has been more than fair in trying to accommodate Mr. Krueger and his <br />requests for extensions, and that the City took Mr. Krueger at His word <br />that the building would be used for what he stated - farm related <br />activities. After an inspection of the building in question by City <br />staff, and assuming their are violations of the permit, the Council would <br />proceed with revocation of Mr. k-:rueger's permit. Attorney Johnson stated <br />that the procedure for revocation of a Special Use Permit is the same as <br />the process for obtaining a rezoning. <br />Atkinson made motion. Olson seconded, that the City Council refers this <br />matter to the Planning Commission to hold a public hearing to give <br />Stanford Krueger an opportunity to show cause why his SUP should not be <br />revoked. The Council suggests that the public hearing be held during the <br />regular PC meeting in March, 1990. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />GARAGE VARIANCE REQUEST <br />Mr. John Murlowski of Timbercraft Enterprises, Inc., has made application <br />to the City of Hugo for a variance to construct a 796 square foot attachec <br />garage to an eXecutive home being built at 1.2150 Upper Heather AvFanue NO. <br />(Lot 9, Bl.ocl:: 1, Del lwood Ridge) . This variance rE'quest cons isf.ent. <br />with previous Council action regtarding the: granting of variances for <br />over -sized garages. <br />