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1990.01.16 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
1990 CC Minutes
1990.01.16 CC Minutes
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City Council meeting of January 16, 199Q <br />Page 5 <br />the storage of semi -tractor trailers and carnival equipment on his <br />property at 7-307 132nd Street, Hugo, MN. The equipment was to be removed <br />within 30 days, and Mr. Southward has submitted the enclosed letter <br />requesting an extension of time to have the equipment removed from, his <br />property. Mr. Southward stated that, hopefully, the equipment will be <br />removed by June 1, 1990. Mr. Southward appeared before the City Council <br />in the fall of 1989 with a request for a SUP to allow construction of a <br />rather large pole barn on the property in question. In his request, Mr. <br />Southward informed the Planning Commission that the carnival equipment and <br />semi -tractor trailers would be removed from the site when the pole barn <br />was constructed. When conditions to this affect were added to the SUP <br />during Council review, Mr. Southward withdrew his request for a SUP at the <br />City Council meeting. Before leaving said meeting, Mr. Southward was <br />reminded by the Council that withdrawing the SUP did not eliminate his <br />problem of having to get the semi -tractors, trailers, and carnival <br />equipment removed from the site in question. The issue before the City <br />Council is whether or not to grant an extension of time to allow Mr. <br />Southward to get the equipment removed from the site, or to notify the <br />City prosecuter to proceed with legal action to get this matter corrected. <br />It was noted that Mr. Southward requested that this matter be placed on <br />the Council agenda, then failed to attend the meeting this evening. <br />McAllister made motion, Olson seconded, that the City Administrator notify <br />the City's prosecuting attorney to file a formal complaint, on or after <br />June 1, 1990, against Mr. John Southward for violations of Chapter .320-4, <br />Subd. C of the City code. The complaint will be filed as of 6/1/90 <br />assuminq the violations still exist. Mr. Southward is to be notified of <br />Council action. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />COUNCIL PRIORITY EVALUATIONS <br />The Council was provided with the results of the priority ran[-ings for the <br />1990/91 community priorities. The order of ranking is based on point <br />values given to each priority ranging from a 5 as a top priority to a 0 <br />which would indicate that the item is of no priority at all. City <br />attorney, Charles Johnson, suggested that the City update their zoning <br />ordinance prior to recodification of the municipal code boo[::. <br />MISCELLANEOUS <br />Mayor Atkinson requested that the City Council have the City <br />Administrator's performance evaluation completed by the Council. meeting of <br />February D, 1990. <br />McAllister made motion, Jesinsk.i seconded, to adopt RESOLUTION 1990-" <br />RESOLUTION REVIEWING AND CLARIFYING PROVISIONS OF THE CITY ADMINISTRATOR <br />AGREEMENT BETWEEN HUPER AND THE CITY OF HUGO. <br />VOTING AYE: McAllister, Jesins[;i, Olson, At[=:inson <br />VOTING NAY: NONE <br />Motion Carried. <br />
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