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City Council meeting of April 16, 1990 <br />Page 2 <br />client had errored in not complying with conditions 7 and 10 of the SUP, <br />and requested an extension of time to bring this property into compliance. <br />It was noted that Mr. Krueger has a substantial investment in the land an(- <br />building <br />mbuilding on site, and that no real purpose would be served by forcing Mr. <br />Krueger to remove this $10,000 structure. The City Council, at their <br />4/2/90 meeting, indicated they might consider an extension of the SUP if <br />Mr. Krueger would enter into a formal written agreement with the City <br />assuring compliance with the SUP within a reasonable period of time. <br />Gerald Carroll, attorney for Mr. Krueger, was present and stated that the <br />$5,000 financial guarantee was a hardship on his client, and requested <br />that the previous $1,000 deposit, since forfeited, could be used as the <br />City was considering the extension for Mr. Krueger to obtain his building <br />permit. Councilman McAllister stated that this meeting was not being held <br />to negotiate the terms of the agreement as certain concessions had been <br />made at the Council meeting of 4/2/90. <br />McAllister made motion, Olson seconded, that the City authorize the Mayor <br />and Clerk to sign the Performance Agreement between the City of Hugo and <br />Stanford D. and Sandra E. Krueger, as revised by the City Attorney, to <br />include the following: <br />1. A performance deposit of $5,000 will be required. <br />2. Construction of Mr. Krueger's residence is to be completed within 12 <br />months from building issuance. <br />._.. Mr. Krueger's inability{ to sell his existing home will not be <br />considered a "condition beyond Mr. Krueger's control" as outlined in <br />#4 of the original draft. <br />4. Conditions of Special Use Permit are 3, 8, and 10 from the original <br />permit. <br />5. Mr. i*.rueger's SUP shall be amended to conform with the Permformance <br />Agreement. <br />Failure of Mr. &< Mrs. Krueger to sign the Agreement, and provide the <br />performance deposit prior to May 7, 19900 will result in this matter being <br />placed on the agenda for the City Council meeting of May 7, 1990 for SUP <br />revocation. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT ( WASHINGTON COUNTY HRA) <br />In conjunction with the site plan approval for Dyna Glass, Inc./Photo Tech <br />Products, the City Council indicated its support for the use of industrial. <br />development bonds to finance acquisition and improvements on the site <br />identified as the east 127' of Lot T, Block: 2, Bald Eagle Industrial Park, <br />Hugo, MN. To pursue the sale of $275,000 in industrial development bonds, <br />the City must enter into a Joint Powers Agreement with the Washington <br />County HRA authorizing them to proceed with this request. The proposed <br />resolution represents the draft Joint Powers Agreement as reviewed and <br />modified by the City Attorney. The applicants have assured the City staff <br />that the building will be operated in conformance with State and City Fire <br />Marshal requirements, and that the building will be upgraded in full <br />compliance with the City's building code as a Group H occupancy where <br />required. The City of Hugo has no financial responsibility for th-iir <br />issuance or rFti.rN•mt-nt of the industrial development bonds. <br />