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City Council meeting of June 4, 199c) <br />Page 2 <br />requesting the variance because of landscaping plans he has for the <br />proposed residence. He also stated that the DNR requires a setback: of <br />150'. <br />McAllister made motion, Olson seconded, to deny.the variance application <br />of Robert and Cynthia Elsola for a 160' setback: from South School Section <br />Lake, concurring with the decision of the Board of Zoning Adjustments, <br />that there is no valid hardship to the land that would require a variance. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />VARIANCE REQUEST - OVER -SIZED GARAGE (R. ELSOLA) <br />Robert and Cynthia Elsola have made application to the City of Hugo for a <br />variance to construct an 816 square foot attached garage at 126eO Keller <br />Avenue North. The maximum square footage allowed is 720 square feet. The <br />garage is to be used for residential purposes only, and the request is <br />consistent with Council policy regarding over -sized garages is residential <br />districts. <br />McAllister made motion, Vail seconded, to approve the variance request of <br />Robert and Cynthia Elsola for the construction of an 816 square foot <br />attached garage at 1.2681 Keller Avenue North. The proposed garage is to <br />be used for residential purposes only. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />SPECIAL USE PERMIT (CHURCH OF ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST) <br />On behalf of the Church of St. John the Baptist, Hugo, Minnesota, the <br />Washington County Housing and Redevelopment Authority has made application <br />to the City of Hugo for a special use permit to construct a multiple -- <br />family housing project consisting of 28 dwelling units in an RB Zoning <br />district. The parcel in question is identified as Parcel B of Certificate <br />Of Survey #5-7-90(A) approved by the Hugo City Council on May 7, 1990. <br />The property in question is located east of Highway 61 and north of 142nd <br />St. on the west shore of Egg Lake. The site is to be used for residential <br />purposes only with the primary intent to accommodate senior citizens. The <br />buildings cover approximately 17.6% of the site, while approximately 65% <br />of the site will be retained as open space. Forty one outdoor and 15 <br />enclosed parking stalls will be provided on site. The residential. <br />structure is to be constructed on a slat, at approximately 9_:1 ft. mean sea <br />level. The soils report submitted indicates that ground water appeared at <br />approximately 92.` ft. mean sea level on this site. All driveway and <br />parking areas are to be paved surfaces and open areas will be sodded or <br />seeded as indicated on the site plan. The site will. be served with <br />municipal utilities, with access to the site coming from Highway 61. They <br />building will be set back: from the lat%eshore of Egg Lake as required by <br />City shoreland regulations, and all improvements on site, within the <br />setback. required, will be subject to said regulations. At their meeting <br />of May 23, 1990, the HUQ0 Planning Commission unanimously recommended <br />approval of the SUP subject to special conditions. The site plan has been <br />reviewed by the city staff, and with no major objections to the plan <br />not -ki-,d . <br />