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City Council meeting_ of June 18, .1.94--1 <br />Page 2 <br />owners with regard to the computation of the assessments. The City staff, <br />along with the City Engineer, reviewed the concerns raised by affected <br />property owners, and visited the sites in question. The five parcels <br />removed from the original proposed assessment rolls are owned by Sophie <br />Arcand, Theodora Peltier, and Fred Hummel. In reviewing the concerns <br />raised by Mr. Howard Arcand at the May 7th meeting, it should be noted <br />that none of the Arcand property south of 100th Street was included on the <br />assessment rolls. 2145 feet of frontage on the road south of 100th Street <br />was declared unbuildable and not assessed. The only property owned by <br />Mrs. Sophie Arcand that was assessed was that portion north of 130th <br />Street. Mr. Fred Hummel felt that his assessments were incorrectly <br />computed based on the City's formula for assessing a corner lot. The City <br />had previously computed 790 lineal feet of Mr. Hummel's property as <br />assessable. In reviewing this request, it was noted that the footage was <br />not computed correctly so the lineal footage affected, based on the City's <br />policy, was reduced to 510 lineal feet. Mrs. Theodora Peltier questioned <br />the City's judgement on assessing 175 feet of her property on Goodview <br />Avenue south of 130th. It should be noted that approximately 1190 lineal <br />feet of Mrs. Peltier's property was declared unbuildable; however, the <br />extreme southerly 175' was determined to be buildable by the City <br />Engineer. There are no changes proposed regarding this request. Notices <br />have been sent to the affected property owners indicating the amount of <br />the assessments being recommended to the City Council by the staff, and <br />the required resolution has been prepared for certification to the <br />county. Both Mr. Hummel and Mrs. Peltier have notified the City of their <br />intent to appeal these assessments pursuant to Chapter 49 of the Public <br />Improvement Code. All property owners affected have beennnobtffeddiln <br />writing, and at the May 7, 1990 City Council meeting of their-' right to <br />file written or oral objections and that no appeal may be taken as to the <br />amount of an assessment unless a signed, written objection is filed with <br />the Clerk prior to the hearing or presented to the presiding officer at <br />the hearing. <br />McAllister made motion, 'Jail seconded, to adopt RESOLUTION 1990-17 <br />RESOLUTION ADOPTING ASSESSMENTS FOR C I P PROJECT PHASE 1 #5-2-99(9). <br />VOTING AYE: Vail., Olson, Jesinski, McAllister, Atkinson <br />VOTING NAY: None <br />Notion on Carried . <br />RES5LUTION AUTHORIZING—REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AND PLAN <br />As per Council direction, the City's financial consultants (furan €< Moody) <br />have completed the necessary resolutions approving the City's <br />Redevelopment Plan, as well as authorization to enter into an Installment. <br />Purchase Contract for the purpose of acquiring Rice Lake Park:. This <br />action by the Citi, Council is being taken pursuant. to Minnesota StatuteE--- <br />469.001 to 469.047. The resolution authorizes the sale of $245,000 in <br />public- project revenue bonds. The city administrator is designated to ac' - <br />on behalf of the City as the authorized City representative as defined in <br />the contract. Upon acquisition of the park by the C':it:.•.;, the City will <br />then quit claim ownership of the property to the Housing Authority until <br />such; time that the bands are paid off. The City has the full authority to <br />