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City Council meeting of July 21 1990 <br />Page <br />developer to subdivide the entire tract in phases. The proposed <br />development plan reflects installation of street, curb and gutter, <br />municipal utilities, and storm sewer to serve the 26 lots. Storm water - <br />drainage will be accommodated by utilization of the protected wetlands and <br />the creation of on-site ponding. A letter of credit is being prepared and <br />will be submitted to the City prior to the signing of the plat. The <br />proposed development agreement has been accepted by the developer and will <br />be signed upon approval of the plat. The Rice Creek: Watershed District <br />Permit has been approved. The City staff has met with the DNR and has <br />received a permit showing elevations and ditch profile. The final details <br />on the site drainage plan were reviewed by the City engineer, and has been <br />approved. This matter was tabled from the City Council meeting of June <br />18, 1990 pending receipt of the following information: <br />1. Permits from the DNR to be on file with the City. <br />2. A base map of the site showing only the ditch system and elevations. <br />3. Completion of the drainage system and/or financial security to <br />guarantee completion of the entire ponding and drainage system. <br />Councilman McAllister stated he is now satisfied that all the information <br />he requested has now been provided. <br />Atkinson made motion, Mail seconded, to approve the final plat of BIRCH <br />TREE PONDS for the subdivision of 26 lots and two outlots for single <br />family development. The property is identified as Outlot A, B & C of Hug <br />Meadows, as platted and recorded, and is subject to the following special <br />conditions: <br />1. The final plat must be recorded with Washington County within 60 days <br />of plat approval or said action shall be null and void. <br />2. Final plat approval shall be contingent upon compliance with grading, <br />storm water drainage, and utility plan approval by the city engineer. <br />_. All applicable conditions of plat approval must be met prior to the <br />recording of the final plat at the Washington County Recorder's <br />Office. <br />4. The property lines identified on the plat must be identified by the <br />applicants to assure proper setbacks when buildings are to be <br />constructed if required by the building inspector. <br />5. No building or other permits shall be issued until the final plait has <br />been recorded with Washington County, and utility/road improvements <br />are substantially completed (see developer's agreement). <br />6. The required permits from the Rice Creek: Watershed District and DNR <br />must be approved and submitted to the Citi: prior to the signing of the <br />final plat. <br />7. All fees relating to this subdivision shall be paid by the applicant <br />including the cost of recording documents. with Washington County. <br />G. Payment of the required fee in lieu of parkland dedication shall be <br />made prior to signing of the final plat. <br />9. Installation of required roadways, including streets, curb and gutter <br />st:.ormwater control, and utilities shall be installed at the developc_r <br />expense: as per the developers agreement and approved pians.. <br />�l shall. be contingent upon u compliance <br />1.�:';. Plat. appr`�,`.`: shall _ full 1 with the <br />developer's agreement.. <br />11. No improvements, landscaping, or grading shall be permitted in de-i::.r:ed <br />drainage areas wit':`out the express written authorization of they City <br />_ d the approved watershed r9.a.str?_c t.. <br />