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City Council meeting of August 6, 199::? <br />Page <br />VAR.I HNCE RECIUEST (, QC1JR I FSE R )_ <br />Mr. Randy Schriber has made application to the City of Hugo to construct <br />900 square foot attached garage at 15275 Elmcrest Avenue, Hugo, MN. The <br />structure in question appears to meet all building setback requirements, <br />and the request is consistent with the City's policy regarding over -sized <br />garages in agricultural zoning districts. The applicant has indicated <br />that the garage in question is to be used for the storage of his <br />automobiles and lawn -maintenance equipment, and will be for residential <br />purposes only. <br />Jesinski made motion, McAllister seconded, to approve the variance request <br />of Mr. Randy Schriber to construct a 900 square foot attached garage at <br />15275 Elmcrest Avenue. The garage shall be used for residential purposes <br />only. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />VARIANCE REQUEST i HUSN I F:: ) <br />On behalf of 6 & H Builders, Inc., Mr. Paul Husnik: has made application to <br />the City of Hugo for a variance to construct a 580 square foot attached <br />garage on Lot 6, Block: 2. Bald Eagle Estates subdivision (aka 497 3 126th <br />Street. North). The garage in question will be for residential use only. <br />The site is zoned SFE, and consists of approximately one acre. The <br />request in question is consistent with the City's policy regarding <br />over -sized garages in an SFE zoning district. <br />McAllister made motion, Vail seconded, to approve the variance request of <br />G s, H Builders to construct a 990 square foot attached garage on Lot 6, <br />Block: 2, Bald Eagle Estates (aka 4970 126th Street North) . The garage is <br />to be used for residential purposes only. <br />All ave. Motion Carried. <br />t1 I tdi )R_ St7Plj l: V I S I ClhljED l�li cUGH ) <br />Mr. Ed Waugh has made application to the City of Hugo for a minor <br />subdivision, and waiver of the formal platting requirement=_, to subdivide <br />a 14.8 acre tract of land into two lots. The property in question is <br />presently zoned RB, and is located at the southeast corner of Highway 61 <br />and County Rd. SA. The primary purpose of the subdivision is to <br />accommodate the sale of a two acre tract of land for the construction of a <br />Tom Thumb Superette with gas -pumping facilities and a car wash. This <br />development is subject to special use permit review. The minor <br />subdivision proposed is effected by the following physical constraints: <br />1. County Rd. 8A on the north. <br />2. Trunt Highway 6.1 on the west. <br />5. A major drainage area and flood plain on the east. <br />The drainage easement on site has been identified as per request of the <br />Rices Creek Watershed District. Thr Washington County Highway Department - <br />has requested that the City require the dedication of an additional 7 feet. <br />