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1990.11.26 CC Minutes - Road Improvements
City Council
City Council Minutes
1990 CC Minutes
1990.11.26 CC Minutes - Road Improvements
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Special City Council meeting of November 26, 199fr <br />Page <br />Huber, emphasized that the proceedings were being conducted pursuant to <br />Chapter 4?9 of the Public Improvement Code. He stated that if this <br />improvement was order, the fiancing would be done through the issuance of <br />bonds pursuant to Chapter 475 of Minnesota Statutes. He then reviewed the <br />advantages of doing this project now as opposed to waiting to a later <br />date. He stated that a study done by Washington County in 1984 indicates <br />that properly maintained gravel roads are approximately $1,000 per <br />mile/year more expensive than maintenance of existing bituminous roads. <br />He then outlined what costs are taken into consideration to determine the <br />total project cost. He stated that the financing proposal presented to <br />the City Council would involved the sale of approximately 1.5 million <br />dollars in bonds, with a debt repayment schedule of 15 years, at an <br />estimated interest rate of 7.20%. He pointed out that the total principal <br />and interest payments over that 15 -year period would be approximately 21.6 <br />million dollars. The estimated debt payment to retire these bonds was <br />estimated at approximately $165,928 annually. He then pointed out that <br />the source of revenue for the retirement of this debt would be as <br />follows: approximately $.34,845 projected assessments collected and <br />$131,C)E33 of additional tax levy over and above that currently levied by <br />the City. Mr. Huber then reviewed how the assessment rate was determined, <br />and pointed out that the current projected assessment rate of $4.95 per <br />lineal foot was only an estimate. Although this cost should be fairly <br />accurate, it was pointed out that the actual assessments for the project <br />would not be determined until project completion, and an assessment <br />gearing is held in 1.991. He stated that only benefiting property adjacent <br />to the improvements would be assessed. <br />Mr. Huber then reviewed how the assessment rate would affect both interior <br />lots and corner lots with regard to the City's assessment policy. He <br />stated that property owners would have the option of prepaying the <br />assessments or paying the assessment off with their taxes over a 15 -year <br />period at approximately 9% interest. He pointed out that if the actual <br />size of the project is reduced, or the amount of benefiting property is <br />reduced, the uniform assessment rate may also be adjusted. <br />Mayor Atkinson then opened the meeting for public comments from the <br />audience. Of the approximately 175 people present, many addressed the <br />Council expressing their support or opposition to the proposed project. <br />In addition to public comment, two petitions were submitted; one opposing <br />132nd Street, and one supporting Irish Avenue and 1.3(--)th Street. After <br />ta�::ing input for approximately two hours, Mayor George Atkinson closed the <br />public hearing. He then requested input from the newly -elected <br />Councilmembers. Mayor Atkinson then read the proposed Resolution 1990 -.?7. <br />McAllister made motion, Vail seconded, to adopt RESOLUTION 1990-7.7, <br />RESOLUTION ORDERING IMPORVEMENT AND PREPARATION OF PLANS FOR CAPITAL <br />IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT PHASE, PROJECT #1990-1. <br />The resolution amended the project proposed by deleting 132nd Street in <br />its entirety and Inwood Avenue, 175th Street, and Ingersoll Avenue <br />between 180th Street and 170th Street. <br />
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