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1990.12.03 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
1990 CC Minutes
1990.12.03 CC Minutes
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City Council meeting of December 3. 199f_) <br />'age _ <br />LICENSES (ON/OFF LIQUOR AND MISCELLANEOUS LICENSES) <br />The request for licenses by Ricc.i's Saloon and Eatery, Inc., would be <br />approved subject to no change in ownership, and the Articles of <br />Incorporation being submitted prior to the next Council meeting or <br />licenses would not be signed and issued by the Mayor. <br />McAllister made motion, Atkinson seconded, to adopt RESOLUTION 1990-40, <br />RESOLUTION APPROVING LIQUOR AND RELATED LICENSES FOR 1991. <br />VOTING AYE: McAllister, Olson, Vail,_ Atk-.inson <br />VOTING NAY: None <br />Motion Carried. <br />MINOR SUBDIVISION (H. MOLITOR <br />Mr. Henry Molitor has applied to the City of Hugo for a minor subdivision, <br />and waiver of the formal platting requirements, to subdivide a 10 acre <br />tract of land into two lots of approximately 5 gross acres each. The <br />property in question is located west of Geneva Avenue and north of 145th <br />St. The site is zoned RR1 and SFE and abutts on Egg Lake. The applicants <br />have secured the necessary permits from the Rice Creek Watershed District, <br />and has had percolation tests done for parcel P. There is currently a <br />home and out -buildings located on parcel A. The legal description of the <br />property is somewhat vague with regard to its west property line as there <br />is some question as to the precise location of said line. Mr. Molitor has <br />stated that the problem with the property line was with the meander line <br />on Egg Lake. The Planning Commission considered this request at their <br />meeting of October 24, 1990, and recommended approval of the request <br />subject to special conditions. <br />Vail made motion, Olson seconded, to approve the final Certificate of <br />Survey #12-i)3-90, and waiver of the formal platting requirements, as <br />requested by Henry Molitor, to subdivide a 10 acre tract of land into two <br />lots of approximately five gross acres each. The parcel to be divided is <br />generally described as the south 10 acres of Gov't Lot --", Section 20, <br />T31N, R21W, Washington County, MN. Approval is subject to the following <br />special conditions: <br />1. All conditions of plat approval must be met prior to the stamping of <br />any deeds for recording by the city clergy=: unless otherwise permitted <br />by Council action. <br />2. The property lines on site must be identified by the applicants to <br />assure proper setbacks when buildings are to be constructed if <br />required by the building inspector. <br />Proposed driveways or drainage areas within the development must <br />include installation of a minimum 15" diameter corrugated metal <br />culvert in a manner acceptable to the city. <br />4. No building permits shall be issued until the survey has been approved <br />and recorded with Washington County. <br />5. Percolation tests for Parcel "B" must be submitted to the city prior <br />to final survey approval. <br />6. Payment of fee in lieu of parkland dedication, in the amount of <br />$175.00. shall be made to the city prior to final survey approval. <br />
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