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City Council meeting of February 6, 1989 <br />Page 2 <br />guarantee that a subdivision approval will follow unless all conditions c <br />the subdivision ordinance are complied with. Soil conditions and drainage <br />plans must be acceptable for development of the area. The original plat <br />of Hugo Meadows was designed to provide road access for expansion to the <br />area in question. The Hugo Planning Commission unanimously recommended <br />approval of the rezoning request. John Johnson, Merila & Assoc., and Ken <br />Briggs, Harstad & Companies, were present at the Council meeting to <br />discuss the rezoning request and their future plans for subdivision of the <br />property into 89 lots' Mr' Johnson stated that even though SFU allows for <br />10,400 square foot lots, the majority of parcels would be 6/10's of an <br />acre because of property constraints (wetlands, woods, etc.). Mayor <br />Atkinson stated that he would like to see the future subdivision of the <br />property provide for road extensions to the south and west for possible <br />continuation of roads and future development. <br />Vail made motion, Olson seconded, to adopt ORDINANCE 89-255, AN ORDINANCE <br />AMENDING CHAPTER 320 OF THE HUGO ZONING ORDINANCE ENTITLED "ZONING" BY <br />AMENDING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF THE DESCRIBED REAL PROPERTY. <br />VOTING AYE: McAllister, Jesinski, Olson, Vail, Atkinson <br />VOTING NAY: NONE <br />Motion Carried. <br />RAILROAD CROSSING WARNING SIGN <br />The city received a letter from Washington County regarding the city's <br />obligation to provide railroad crossing warning signs' The letter is <br />somewhat self explanatory, however, city policy is that the Council <br />authorizes the installation of all traffic and regulatory warning signs in <br />the City of Hugo. <br />Atkinson made motion, Jesinski, authorizing city staff to authorize the <br />installation of warning signs at the railroad crossings at 125th Street <br />and 140th Street in the City of Hugo' <br />All aye' Motion Carried' <br />RECIPROCAL FIRE SERVICE AGREEMENT <br />The City of Marine has requested the City of Hugo enter into a Reciprocal <br />Fire Service Agreement with them' We now have such an agreement with New <br />Scandia Township, and both agreements are identical with the exception of <br />IN CASE OF EMERGENCY not included in the first WHEREAS in the Marine <br />agreement. Councilman McAllister was concerned with the following wording <br />in Paragraph 1, Page 1: "or within the limits of any territory in which <br />the undersigned have contracted" because of possible additional costs to <br />the city's taxpapers. After further discussion of this matter, it was <br />determined that because of the ability to withdraw from the contract in 3 <br />days, that the city could react in the event of abuse of the agreement' <br />If approved by the city, the city administrator will return the agreement <br />along with an accompanying letter stating the city's concerns. <br />