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y7 0 <br />City Council meeting_ of 4/3/89 <br />Page <br />CABLE TV FRANCHISE ORDINANCE <br />As per Council direction, the city staff and consulting attorney have been <br />negotiating the Cable TV Franchise Ordinance with North Central Cable <br />Communications, Inc., as per the Council's award of proposals earlier this <br />year. Most of the Franchise Ordinance comes directly from Minnesota <br />Statutes, and is standard franchise language. This ordinance also <br />incorporates Cable TV North Central's response to the request for <br />proposals by reference. In anticipation of an April 3rd adoption of this <br />ordinance, we are calling for a September 15, 1989 completion date for <br />extension of cable service to the community in the areas referenced on the <br />service area map. The final language changes in the ordinance are being <br />made on the word processor at Briggs R_, Morgan. Mr. Ayotte has indicated <br />he will be forwarding the final draft directly to the City Council. In <br />that the final ordinance language has not been accepted by Cable TV North <br />Central, city staff recommends that this public hearing be tabled to <br />4/17/89. <br />Atkinson made motion, Olson seconded, to table the public hearing to adopt <br />the Cable TV Franchise Ordinance until the regular Council meeting of <br />April 17, 1989. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />SUP FOR AUTO REDUCTION YARD (HATHAWAY/DRISCOLL) <br />Mr. Marrel Hathaway and Mr. Fletcher Driscoll have made application to the <br />City of Hugo for a SUP to operate an auto reduction yard in an <br />agricultural zoning district. The property in question abutts on Highway <br />61 and 170th Street and consists of approximately 23.3 acres. The <br />applicant has submitted a preliminary site plan and narrative of his <br />proposal. In his narrative, the applicant indicates that it is their <br />intent to recycle late -model, foreign automobiles for reuse of automobile <br />parts and the retail sales of repairable automobiles. The applicants have <br />indicated that an application has been submitted to the RCWD for proper <br />permits. A public hearing was scheduled before the Planning Commission on <br />March 22, 1989 to secure input regarding this SUP. City staff pointed out <br />to the Planning Commission that the actual area to be used for an auto <br />dismantling yard is only a small portion of the 21.3 acres that would be <br />affected by the SUP. It was also pointed out that if the permit is <br />approved, the land use involving auto dismantling yards would apply to the <br />entire parcel, not just the parcel where the auto reduction yard is <br />identified on the site plan. The petitioners appeared at the PC meeting <br />and explained how they would be running their auto reduction yard, <br />including the disposable of hazardous materials, tires, batteries, and <br />other items. The petitioners explained that they would be dealing with <br />expensive foreign cars, and would need an attractive facility to draw thc.� <br />type of customers they would be serving. Several property owners, <br />adjacent to the site in question, appeared at the Planning Commission <br />meeting, and indicated their objections to adding additional auto <br />reduction yards in this area. Planning Commission Senkler indicated to <br />the developers that one of the top priorities of the City Council was to <br />improve the image of the City of Hugo and clean up some of the unattrat:.ive <br />business operations visible from Highway bi. He also noted that the- <br />