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1989.04.17 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
1989 CC Minutes
1989.04.17 CC Minutes
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City Council
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City Council meeting of 4/17/89 <br />Page 2 <br />appear before the Council and express their concerns and discuss various <br />alternatives that may be available to the City. The roadway in question <br />was a part of the city's Phase 2 Capital Improvements Program scheduled <br />for 1991. The estimated cost for this project reconstruction to 7 ton <br />bituminous road was $118,615. This was based on 1988 prices. In the fall <br />of 1988, the Council responded to complaints in the area and hauled a <br />significant amount of fill into the south portion of this roadway at <br />needed locations. Because of the lateness of the year in which this <br />material was placed on the road, and the extremely wet spring, these areas <br />turned into a virtual quagmire creating problems for residents using this <br />road. Without the advantage of some warm weather and drying winds, it was <br />impossible to deal with this situation without removing the materials that <br />were deposited in the fall. The residents on the roadway have a <br />legitimate complaint; however, the resolution of this problem is not <br />simple. The County has estimated that to bring in the needed fill and <br />crushed rock to deposit in the needed areas of the roadway, it would cost <br />the City between $10,000 and $12,000. The City's total gravel budget for <br />1989 is $1,000. Compounding the problems of developing long-range <br />solutions to this needed roadway improvement, is the fact that portions of <br />the roadway are in two different counties as well as two different_ <br />municipalities. Because of tax levy limits, the freezing of homestead <br />credit and local government aids, and the cutbacks of other revenues <br />available to the cities, we Have not only been unable to increase our road <br />maintenance budget, but have had to decrease certain expenditures in the <br />last several years. The prospects of the situation changing in the near <br />future is not good, and the most realistic option available to cities to <br />deal with these kinds of problems is to bond for the financing of these <br />improvements via Chapter 429 of the Public Improvement Code. There are, <br />however, a number of options that the City Council may want to consider <br />depending on the general feeling of area residents as to their willingness <br />to pad; for improving this roadway: <br />1. Deposit rock: and additional fill on needed areas of the roadway. The <br />estimated life of this bandaid improvement would be approximately two <br />years, and would cost $10,000 to $12,000. <br />. Accelerate Phase 2 of the City's Capital Improvement Project which <br />would schedule the improvement of Elmcrest. Avenue along with other <br />projects for construction in 1990. <br />_. Require property owners in the area in question to petition for the <br />improvement of the roadway pursuant to Chapter 429 of the Public <br />Improvement Code, and consider the making of this improvement as per - <br />the city's policy regarding the improvement of collector streets. <br />This would involve a. tax levy not subject to levy limits, and the <br />assessment of a minimum of 21 of the cost to abutting {property owners <br />in the City of Hugo. <br />4. The City Council could initiate an action to hold a public .impro'vement. <br />Hearing on this project pursuant to Chapter 429 of the P.l. Code; <br />however, the process of dealing with this matter would be somewhat_ <br />different as all action by the City Council, using this procedure. <br />would require a 4/5' vote of the Cit.': Council. <br />5. The City Council could initiate a series of meetings with the various <br />counties and cities affected by this roadway to discuss other options <br />' improvement_ We would caution area residents,o� financing ti -11. . <br />however, that this procedure C.G(_l).Ct take from t b` t CJ to three r'ec.!rc=, <br />coordinat•.e and facilitate the needed improvements. <br />
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