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City Council meeting_ of 5/1/89 <br />Page b <br />10. Subdivision shall be contingent upon full compliance with the <br />developer's agreement between the City and developer. <br />11. No improvements, landscaping, or grading shall be permitted in the <br />defined drainage areas without the express written authorization of <br />the City and the approved watershed districts. <br />12. All property owners shall be responsible for maintenance of drainage <br />areas within easements on their property. <br />13. Developer shall comply with all requirements and restrictions <br />applicable to identified wetlands. <br />14. The developer shall deposit with the City an initial amount of $5,000 <br />to cover legal, engineering, administrative, and other costs related <br />to this development. <br />15. Developer agrees that lots to be abutting on cul-de-sac or termination <br />turn-arounds of streets shall be provided with adequate off-street <br />parking such that the City could prohibit on street parking if deemed <br />necessary for safety or maintenance purposes. <br />16. The developer shall provide a financial guarantee, equal to 1.25 times <br />the amount of the required public improvements to be installed, to <br />serve lots within this development. <br />17. The developer shall be responsible for street signs, identifying <br />mailbox: locations, providing as -built drawings, and installation of <br />trees and culverts within the development, as required. <br />18. Any exterior lighting or advertising activities on site must be. <br />approved by the City. <br />19. The developer shall permit access to the referenced site for periodic <br />inspections to assure conformance with this subdivision. <br />20. All drainage and erosion control methods proposed for this development <br />shall be completed prior to the City accepting the roadway or public <br />improvements serving said development. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />It was pointed out to the developers that the letter of credit for this <br />project would expire prior to completion and that the City would more than <br />likely need a renewal. It was also suggested that the developers should <br />notify future owners of lots located on Irish avenue that they could be <br />subject to an assessment for road improvements some time in the future. <br />QI_l_WOOD RIDGE F I NH'li... Ft..AT <br />On behalf of Keystone Builders, Ms. Irene Arcand and Robert Ki.ewel t..s_a.=:rte <br />made application to the City of Hugo for the subdivision of a 160 acre <br />tract of land, zoned RR2, into =2 lots consisting of approximately 5+ gross <br />acres each. The property in question is generally described as the E 1.i2 <br />of the SE 1i4 of Section 33, T31N, R21W, and the W 1/2 of the SW 1i4 of <br />Section 34, T31N, R21W, in the City of Hugo. The property ►.vet=- rezoned by <br />the City Council to RR2 in June, 1988. It is the intent of t.i-te developers <br />to serve the lots in question i' on-site wells, septic 5=:.',rst.t',r<s, LP gas, <br />and electricity. Access to the site will be from County Road 7 on the <br />south and from 125tH Streewwt on the north. The developer is to '7e <br />responsible for all interior bituminous surfaced r-a<c1wa.s as well as curt:-$ <br />in areas required by the city engineer. The � plat •<<r �:� <br />. _ -� preliminary ra 1. a. rr•, 1. rt ._, r v .:; 1. ��. t. r .- ; � 3 :;. �::�. <br />development received F' Commission approval, and was =ubs.equer:':.:.l <br />approved by the Ci;..'.`{' CouncilFebruary 21, 1989, Tf...Ie roadway <br />