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City Council meeting of June 5, 1989 <br />Page 2 <br />2. All conditions of plat approval must be met prior to the stamping of <br />any deeds for recording by the city clerk unless otherwise permitted <br />by Council action. <br />3. The property lines on site must be identified by the applicants to <br />assure proper setbacks when buildings are to be constructed if <br />required by the building inspector. <br />4. No building permits shall be issued until the plat has been approved <br />and recorded with Washington County. <br />5. Securing the required permits from the watershed district, Department <br />of Natural Resources, and Army Corps of Engineers is required prior to <br />final plat approval. <br />6' All fees relating to this subdivision shall be paid by the applicant <br />including the cost of recording documents with Washington County. <br />7. All lots must be served by municipal sanitary sewer and private well. <br />S. Payment of fee in lieu of parkland dedication shall be made to the <br />City prior to final plat approval. <br />9. This approval shall be granted with the understanding that said <br />subdivision does not create any landlocked parcels by the petitioner <br />and land owner. <br />10. Installation of private roadways including street, curb and gutter, <br />stormwater control, and utilities shall be installed at the <br />developer's expense. <br />11. No improvements, landscaping, or grading shall be permitted in the <br />defined drainage areas without the express written authorization of <br />the City and the approved watershed districts' <br />12. All property owners shall be responsible for maintenance of drainage <br />areas within easements on their property. <br />13. Developer shall comply with all requirements and restrictions <br />applicable to identified wetlands. <br />14. The developer shall deposit with the City an initial amount of $5,000 <br />to cover legal, engineering, administrative, and other costs related <br />to this development. <br />15. Developer agrees that lots to be abutting on cul-de-sac or termination <br />turn-arounds of streets shall be provided with adequate off-street <br />parking such that the City could prohibit on street parking if deemed <br />necessary for safety or maintenance purposes. <br />16. The developer shall be responsible for street signs, identifying <br />mailbox locations, providing as -built drawings, and installation of <br />trees and culverts within the development, as required. <br />17. Any exterior lighting or advertising activities on site must be <br />approved by the City. <br />18. The use for which this permit is sought is not in violation of any <br />restrictive covenants applying to the property referenced herein. <br />19. The developer shall permit access to the referenced site for periodic <br />inspections to assure conformance with this subdivision. <br />20. All drainage and erosion control methods proposed for this development <br />shall be completed prior to the City accepting the roadway or public <br />improvements serving said development. <br />21. Legal descriptions of all parcels to be subdivided should be included. <br />22. Approval of the final plat by the City does not indicate approval or <br />disapproval of operative documents that define rights and remedies <br />between the developer and future owners. <br />