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City Council meeting of June 5, 1989 <br />Page 7 <br />resolve the issues involving the RCWD. This request was subsequently <br />approved by the City Council, and Mr. Peloquin's subdivision approval will <br />expire and become null and void on June 5, 1989. Mr. Peloquin is again <br />requesting another extension until August, 1989 in an attempt to try and <br />resolve these issues and concerns needed to get the required permits from <br />the RCWD' <br />McAllister made motion, Olson seconded, to grant an extension to September <br />18, 1989 to enable Mr' Vern Peloquin to obtain the required permits from <br />the Rice Creek Watershed District allowing him to split 1.7 acres in the <br />Peloquin Industrial Park. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />YINNEMOTn_PIPELYNE PERMIT REQUEST <br />Minnesota Pipeline Company is requesting permission from the City of Hugo <br />to construct an additional 16" pipeline which will cross City roads and <br />right-of-way. The City has no regulatory authority regarding the <br />construction of this pipeline with the exception of permission to cross <br />municipal roads. The pipeline will cross 125th Street, Goodview Avenue, <br />130th Street, 146th Street, and Elmcrest Avenue. The casing for the <br />pipeline will be bored and jacked under all roads as per the submitted <br />crossing profile plan' This request has been submitted to the Hugo city <br />engineer for his review and recommendation. Mayor Atkinson and Councilman <br />McAllister expressed concern with the proximity of the pipeline to <br />existing/future residences. <br />McAllister made motion, Atkinson seconded, to approve the request of <br />Minnesota Pipeline Company to construct an additional 16" pipeline across <br />the following streets in the City of Hugo for calendar year 1989: 125th <br />Street, Goodview Avenue, 130th Street, 146th Street, and Elmcrest Avenue. <br />Approval is subject to the following: <br />1. Minnesota Pipeline Company shall provide the City with "as -built <br />drawings" for existing pipeline and proposed pipeline when completed. <br />2. City of Hugo is to be notified 48 hours prior to making the qoad <br />crossings. <br />3. Applicant shall be responsible for repairs to roads at the crossing <br />for a period of twelve months after construction completion. <br />4. Road crossing construction method to be approved by the City engineer. <br />All aye. Motion Carried' <br />A sample resolution and Declaration of Trust allowing for the City of <br />Hugo's participation in the ICMA deferred compensation plan for public <br />employees was submitted to the Council for their review. Currently, the <br />City of Hugo has no deferred compensation plan available to its <br />employees. This resolution authorizes participation in the plan, and the <br />City has no obligation to make contributions to the plan unless <br />