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1989.10.02 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
1989 CC Minutes
1989.10.02 CC Minutes
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City Council
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City Council meeting of October 2, 1989 <br />Page 2 <br />is 145' in width and approximately 520' in depth. The legal description <br />of the site in question is described as follows: That part of the W 1/2 <br />of the SE 1/4 of Section 17, T31N, R21W, Hugo, Washington County, MN., <br />described as follows: Commencing at the south quarter corner of said <br />Section 17, thence North 0 degrees++6'16" West, assumed bearing, along the <br />quarter section line a distnace of 1321.70 feet, thence North 88 <br />degrees55'41" East a distance of 796.66 feet, thence South 1 degree29 "6" <br />East a distance of 200 feet to the point of beginning of property herein <br />to be described; thence South 1 degree29'76" East a distance of 145 feet; <br />thence North 88 degrees55'41" East a distnace of 517.88 feet; thence North <br />0 degrees36'27" East a distance of 145 feet along the East line of W 1/2 <br />of said SE 1/4; thence South 88 degrees55'41" West a distance of 520.22 <br />feet of the point of beginning. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />ROUND LAKE ADDITION (FINAL PLAT <br />On behalf of Mr. William Simonet, Jr., and Jeanette Pfurtscheller, Mr. <br />Larry Samstead has made application to the City of Hugo for the <br />subdivision of a 36.9 acre tract of land into seven lots consisting of <br />approximately five acres each. The property in question is zoned RR2, and <br />is located between Janero Avenue and the east shore of Round Lake. Three <br />of the proposed lots in question are located on Round Lake, and four of <br />the lots are located off proposed 121st Street. The City Council <br />authorized preliminary plat approval on June 5, 1989 subject to special <br />conditions. Mr. Simonet has paid the required parkland dedication fee, <br />submitted his restrictive convenants, and has received RCWD approval on <br />his storm -water management plan. The lots in question are in conformance <br />with the City's subdivision regulations with the exception of the lake <br />lots which do not meet minimum lot width, therefore, the request for <br />lot -width variance. Revised perc tests were submitted for Lots 1 & ?, <br />Block 2, and Mr. Simonet has informed us that the Washington County <br />Surveyor's Office has completed their review of the plat. The City <br />Engineer is conducting final review of the road -design plans, and the <br />signing of the final plat would be subject to the engineer's approval of <br />said plans. Pending the approval of the road -design plan by the City <br />engineer, City staff is recommending approval of the final plat of Round <br />Lake Addition, and lot width variance, subject to special conditions, and <br />approval of the Development Agreement, as prepared and agreed upon by the <br />applicant. There is an outstanding lawsuit (Pfurtscheller vs City of <br />Hugo) regarding the City's denial of Jeanette Pfurtscheller's application <br />for a Special Use Permit to keep horses on her property. City attorney, <br />Charles Johnson, stated that the Council could approve the final plat <br />contingent on resolution of the litigation. <br />McAllister made motion, Jesinsk:i seconded, to approve the final plat of <br />ROUND LAKE ADDITION, and the lot -width variances for the lake lots. The <br />restrictive covenants shall be recorded at Washington County, and the <br />Pfurtscheller vs Hugo matter be dismissed prior to the City signing the <br />final plat. Approval of this subdivision is subject to the following <br />conditions: <br />
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