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/3 9 <br />City Council meeting of November 6, 1989 <br />Page _ <br />and is slightly more than one acre in size. Previously, Mr. Voigt had a <br />72 sq. ft. advertising sign which encroached approximately 1' into the <br />highway right-of-way. That sign has been removed and Mr. Voigt intends to <br />put the sign on his property but is requesting that the sign be placed <br />within 6' of the property line. The City's sign ordinance for industrial <br />districts requires that any sign over 10 sq. ft. may not encroach more <br />than 8' into the required 40' front yard setback:. <br />McAllister made motion, Jesinski seconded, to approve the variance request <br />of E &< J Auto to construct a 16 square foot sign 6' from the front <br />property line at 15657 Forest Boulevard. Approval of this variance was <br />based on the following points of fact: <br />1. The sign is being reduced in size significantly. <br />2. The sign is being moved out of the right-of-way. <br />3. The location of the septic system and adjacent parking restricts the <br />location of the sign. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />SPECIAL USE PERMIT - DAN DAVIS <br />Mr. Dan Davis of 8745 122nd Street has made application to the City for a <br />special use permit to house two horses on his property. The property in <br />question is zoned RR2 and is approximately 6.2 acres in size (Lot 1, Block. <br />1, Hound Lake Addition). At the October 25, 1989 regular meeting of the <br />Hugo Planning Commission, a public hearing was held to secure input on <br />this request. Mr. Mitre Ball appeared before the Commission and indicated <br />his concern that the horses would remain on the property owner's site and <br />would not be allowed to graze near the lakeshore. Mr. Davis assured the <br />Commission that the horses would be kept within the corral area maintained <br />approximately 500' from the lakeshore. City ordinances permit horses in <br />RR2 zones allowing one horse on the first 5 acres and one additional <br />animal for each acre over 5. The Hugo Planning Commission did recommend <br />approval of the special use permit request for the housing of not more <br />than 2 horses on the property in question subject to special conditions. <br />Olson made motion, Atkinson seconded, to approve the Special Use Permit <br />request of Dan Davis to house two horses on his property located at 8745 <br />122nd Street (Lot 1, Block 1, Hound Lake Addition). Approval is subject <br />to the following conditions: <br />1. Not more than <br />Lot 1, Block 1 <br />2. The two horses <br />this location <br />No commercial <br />3. The horses may <br />Round Lake. <br />two horses may be boarded on the property identified as <br />Round Lake Addition. <br />boarded on the site must be owned by the residents at <br />and kept at least 500 feet from the shore of Found Lake. <br />horse boarding will be allowed. <br />not be permitted to graze within 500' of the shore of <br />4. The warranty deed submitted as proof of ownership shall be corrected <br />to read Lot 1, Block: 1, Round Lake Addition, and stamped and recorded <br />at Washington County. <br />