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1987.02.02 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
1987 CC Minutes
1987.02.02 CC Minutes
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16 February 2, 1987 <br />7.A. Appointment, to Board of Zoning Appeals <br />Mayor George Atkinson has indicated that he will be prepared to make a recommend- <br />ation regarding the appointment of the Planning Commission's representative to <br />the Board of Zoning Appeals at tonight's meeting. At earlier meetings of the <br />Council, appointment were made to the Board consisting of the Council represent- <br />ative (Art Potts),�representative from the community -at -large (Chuck Henry). <br />Motion made by Atkinson, Peltier seconded, that Ray Olson be appointed to the <br />Board of Zoning Appeals serving as the Planning Commission's representative. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />8.A. Subdivision Request (Lynn Carlson) <br />Mr. Lynn Carlson has made application to for the subdivision of property described <br />as Lots 1-6, Block 10, Shadyside No. 4, in the City of Hugo. The request by <br />Mr. Carlson is 3 -fold, and is being made pursuant to Chapter 290 of the municipal <br />code: (1) Waiver of the formal subdivision requirements and allowing the subdivi- <br />sion of land by registered land survey, (2) Variance from the lot size, and (3) <br />the resubdivision of 6 existing platted lots in Shadyside #4 subdivision into <br />two buildable lots. The total square footage of the property in question is <br />approximately 31,620, and is zoned SFE requiring minimum one acre building lots. <br />The property is located at the southwest corner of Everton Avenue and 121st <br />Street. The request before the Council is somewhat unusual in that the indivi- <br />dual is requesting that the lots be increased in size as opposed to the typical <br />request of a lot size reduction within a certain zoning district. Because of <br />our municipal code requirements, if Mr. Carlson were to resubdivide this property <br />as requested, he would be required to comply with the current lot size recommend- <br />ation of one acre; therefore, his request for a variance. Mr. Carlson has stated <br />in his letter to the city that he's requesting a variance to reduce the current <br />number of buildable lots by combining the six existing smaller lots into two <br />large buildable lots. If approved by the City Council, Mr. Carlson will be <br />required to have a registered land survey prepared and approved by the Council <br />prior to recording at the County Recorder's Office. The Planning Commission <br />recommended approval of the subdivision request. <br />Motion made by Peltier, Vail seconded, to approve the request of Lynn Carlson <br />for subdivision of property described as Lots 1-6, Block 10, Shadyside #4 and <br />resubdivide them into two parcels: the first being identified as Lot 5 and 6 <br />and the south 40' of Lots 1 and 2, and a second lot described as Lot 3 and 4 and <br />the north 80' of Lots 1 and 2, and 26' of vacated 121st Street. Approve waiver <br />of the formal subdivision requirements to allow the subdivision of land by <br />registered land survey. Approval of a variance from the lot size based on the <br />following: (A) Lower density potential, (B) Better setback requirements, (C) Pro- <br />vide for larger lots for building purposes, and (D) Less drainfields to contend with. <br />This resubdivision of Lots 1-6, Block 10, Shadyside #4 into two buildable lots, <br />as shown on the preliminary site proposal, is subject to compliance with 320-5G <br />of the City Code and all setback requirements. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />8.B. Rezoning Request (Ray Wlaschin) <br />Raymond and Ramona Wlaschin, 9627 122nd Street North, have made application for <br />the rezoning of a 16.7 acre tract of land located south of 122nd Street at County <br />Road 8, from Agriculture to RR2. Although there was no specific reason given as <br />
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