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1987.02.17 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
1987 CC Minutes
1987.02.17 CC Minutes
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City Council
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22 <br />February 17, 1987 <br />into compliance. The city staff questioned the advisability of channeling <br />truck traffic to the new loading dock through a parking lot area with only <br />20 to 25 feet between parking stalls. In general, we can see no problems <br />with the: proposal by Wilson Tool, and would recommend approval of the site <br />plan subject to conditions. <br />Motion made by Atkinson, Potts seconded, to approve the site plan of Wilson <br />Tool for the construction of a 100' x 200' concrete block structure, in the <br />Bald Eagle Industrial Park, to be used for a machine shop and warehouse. Approval <br />is subject to the following conditions: <br />1. The building setback requirements be complied with. <br />2. Adequate off-street parking for employees/customers be provided in compliance <br />with the city code. <br />3. No employee/customer parking be permitted on 130th Street. <br />4. All on-site improvements be made in conformance with the city engineer's <br />recommendations regarding enlargement of existing holding pond. <br />5. The applicant secure a permit from Rice Creek Watershed District approving <br />their drainage plan for the area, and that said plan be implemented prior <br />to the issuance of Certificate of Building Occupancy. <br />6. Any sewer service shall be approved by the City Engineer prior to issuance <br />of a building permit. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />10.A NSP/Stanek Right -of -Way Controversy <br />As per City Council direction, the city staff and consultants have put together <br />a report outlining the sequence of events involving the controversy over right- <br />of-way between the City of Hugo, Joe Stanek, and NSP. The city's direct involve- <br />ment in this issue dates back to 1972, and the city has been actively involved <br />in resolving this issue since 1978. City Administrator, Ken Huber, prepared a <br />synopsis Stanke/NSP right-of-way controversy for the Council's review. The <br />controversy stems from action by NSP to construct a transmission tower blocking <br />road access to Joe Stanek's property. The city entered into an agreement with <br />NSP in March, 1984, indicating that, based on certain conditions, the city would <br />attempt to secure an easement to provide Mr. Stanek with access to his property. <br />Mayor Atkinson has requested that this matter be placed on the City Council agenda <br />for discussion by the Council in an effort to bring them up-to-date as to the <br />history of this situation. The city attorney has suggested that this matter <br />be limited to discussion by the Council and securing any input Mr. Stanek may <br />have regarding his conerns. Mr. Stanek was present at tonight's meeting and <br />went through what records he hasframll� ve to this matter. The approximately <br />100 acres has been in the Stanek /sincT1922, and would like to have some resolu- <br />tion to the right-of-way controversy. Mayor Atkinson asked that the cityl.staff <br />prepare alternate solutions to the controversy for submission to the Council <br />for their review some time in March. <br />10.B Ordinance Allowing Licenses and Fees be Set by Council Resolutions <br />Currently, the city code is structured in a manner that provides for the setting <br />of many license and permit fees by ordinance. When these fees are amended, the <br />city is, technically, required to amend the ordinance despite that fact that the <br />city may, under other circumstances, approve licenses and permits by Council <br />resolution. After discussions with the city attorney, we are <br />recommending that the Council consider adoption of an ordinance allowing all <br />
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