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1987.05.04 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
1987 CC Minutes
1987.05.04 CC Minutes
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50 <br />May 4, 1987 <br />5. No additional buildings will be permitted on the site until the required <br />permits are secured from the appropriate watershed districts where applicable. <br />6. All fees relating to the review and issuance of this survey approval shall be <br />paid by the applicant including the cost of recording this survey with <br />Washington County. <br />7. Activities on site shall not cause the altering of any watercourse, ditch, or <br />drainage system. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />6.D Subdivision Request (Wolkerstorfer/Raiola) <br />Messrs. Joe Walkerstorfer and Joe Raiola have made application to the City of Hugo <br />to subdivide a 27 acre tract of land into two lots, one consisting of approximately <br />10 acres and the other 17 acres. The property in question is zoned Agriculture <br />as a result of rezoning approval by the city earlier this year. At the April 22, <br />1987 regular meeting of the Hugo Planning Commission, action was taken unanimously <br />recommending approval of this subdivision requirements subject to special conditions. <br />The easement indicated on the survey was created by Mr. Maurice Gessner to allow <br />for access to the back property. Mayor Atkinson emphasized to Mrs. Ruby Loos, <br />present at the meeting for this matter, that this easement does not preclude the <br />city requirements for road frontage. Mrs. Loos stated that her property abuts <br />Jeffrey Avenue for about 1200' so road frontage would not be a problem. <br />Motion made by Potts, Olson seconded, to approve the final survey for the Wolker- <br />storfer/Raiola subdivision and waiver of the formal platting procedure for the <br />following described parcel of land (The east 827' of the NE4 of the NE4 of Section 11, <br />T31N, R21W, except therefrom the following: The South 2 of the West 331.0 ft of <br />the East 827.0 ft of the NE4 of the NE4 of Section 11, T31N, R21W, containing <br />5.0 acres, and an easement for agress, ingress, and utilities over and across the <br />South 33 ft of the East 496.0 ft of the said NE4 of the NE4. <br />The South z of the West 331 feet of the East 827 ft of the NEr of the NE41 of <br />Section 11, T31N, R21W, Together with an easement for ingress, egress, and utilities <br />over and across the South 33 ft of the East 496 ft of the said NE4 of the NE4, <br />according to the U.S. Gov't Surevey thereof. <br />The South 810.51 ft of the West 107.47 ft of the East 934.47 ft of the NEr of the <br />NE4 of Section 11, T31N, R21W). <br />The approval is subject to the following conditions: <br />1. Property lines must be identified by the petitioner to assure proper building <br />setbacks when building are to be constructed. <br />2. Any commercial or industrial use of said property not specifically permitted <br />in the zoning district by the city zoning ordinance shall be prohibited. <br />3. All driveways built over ditches or drainage areas must include the installa- <br />tion of a minimum 15" corrugated metal culvert installed in a manner <br />acceptable to the city. <br />4. No additional building will be permitted on the site until the required permits <br />are secured from the appropriate watershed districts and DNR where applicable. <br />5. All fees relating to the review and issuance of this survey approval shall <br />be paid by the applicant including the cost of recording this survey with <br />Washington County. <br />6. Activities on site shall not cause the altering of any watercourse, ditch, <br />or drainage system. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />
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