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1987.06.15 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
1987 CC Minutes
1987.06.15 CC Minutes
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74 <br />June 15, 1987 <br />1. Waiver of the formal subdivision requirements and allowing the subdivision <br />of land by certificate of survey. <br />2. Variance from the one acre lot size. <br />3. The resubdivision of the six existing platted lots in Shadyside #4 subdivision <br />into two buildable lots. <br />Total square footage of the property in question is approximately 31,620 square feet, <br />and is zoned SFE requiring minimum one acre building lots. Both the Planning Commission <br />and City Council recommended approval of the preliminary survey sketch subject to <br />compliance with 320-5G of the city code and all setback requirements. The City <br />Council also approved a variance from the minimum one acre lot size. During the <br />previous survey review, Mr. Carlson assuring the Planning Commission and Council <br />that he could meet all lot dimensional requirements for construction of a dwelling <br />with the exception of the one acre minimum lot size. In reviewing the final survey <br />submitted by Mr. Carlson, it should be noted that there are some substantial dif- <br />ferences in lot depth and shoreline location from the preliminary survey sketch. <br />The original preliminary survey sketch showed a lot depth of approximately 170' <br />with an additional 70 plus feet to the lake shoreline. The final certificate of <br />survey shows a maximum lot depth of approximately 146' from Everton Avenue to the <br />Bald Eagle Lake shoreline. Our initial review would indicate that, if Mr. Carlson <br />is to meet the minimum required 100' building setback from Bald Eagle Lake, and <br />construct a standard building of approximately 24' in depth, the front of the <br />building would be located only 4' from the road right-of-way on the south property <br />line. It would appear to be virtually impossible for Mr. Carlson to construct a <br />dwelling unit on this site without variances from the front yard setback and the <br />lake setback requirements, when considering the lot depth changes from the preli- <br />minary survey to the final survey. It should also be noted that the applicant <br />must maintain a minimum of 100' setback from shoreline in constructing an approved <br />septic system to serve any dwelling units on site. <br />Mayor Atkinson did not feel Parcel B was a buildable lot in that no house could <br />fit on the lot without substantial variances: front yard setback (50' from road <br />right-of-way) and lakeshore setback (100' from the ordinary high water mark). <br />Mayor Atkinson discussed the possibility of returning the application to the Planning <br />Commission because of the significant change in dimensions from the preliminary plat. <br />Councilman Potts stated that he had not seen the site in question and would rather <br />table the application until the next meeting. <br />Motion made by Olson, Atkinson seconded, that the final survey submitted by Lynn and <br />Karen Carlson be submitted to the Planning Commission for their review. <br />VOTING AYE: Olson, Atkinson <br />VOTING NAY: Peltier, Potts <br />Motion Failed for Lack of Majority. <br />Motion made by Potts, Peltier seconded, to <br />until the Council meeting of July 6, 1987 <br />site in question. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />table the final survey for Lynn Carlson <br />to allow the Council to view the <br />'8.A Site Plan Approval (J.R. Johnson Supply Co.) <br />Mr. Rick S. Johnson has made application to the City of Hugo for site plan approval <br />in conjunction with a SUP issued in November, 1984, for the construction of a green- <br />house on a 800' x 800' tract of land identified as a part of the NW4 of Section 19, <br />T31N, R21W, Washington County, Minnesota. The property in question is located at <br />the northeast corner of C.S.A.H. #8 and Everton Avenue North. It is the proposal <br />
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