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76 <br />June 15, 1987 <br />7. Copies of the site percolation test and legal description of the parcel of land <br />in question be submitted to the city prior to issuance of a building permit. <br />8. Activities on site be in compliance with the municipal code at all times. <br />9. Failure to comply with the approved site plan and the above referenced condi- <br />tions be grounds for revocation of the SUP dated November 5, 1984. <br />10. Applicant to obtain approval of the Minnesota PCA for installation of the <br />on-site well and septic system, if required. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />7.0 Ordinance Requiring Building Identification <br />As per Council direction, the city staff revised the ordinance requiring building <br />identification as prepared by Fire Chief, Ron Istvanovich. The ordinance revision <br />reflects the same basic language as originally proposed; however, it allows property <br />owners three different options regarding property address identification as re- <br />quested by the City Council. The revised ordinance has been reviewed by the Fire <br />Chief, and copies were sent to the city attorney for his review and comment. <br />After a discussion regarding the proposed ordinance, it was determined that the <br />key words of the ordinance were "clearly visible from a public roadway." which <br />covers any possible obstruction or situation. The only changEE in the proposed <br />ordinance were the removal of the "etc." and compliance with the ordinance by <br />January 1, 1988 rather than within 180 days of its passage and publication. <br />Potts made motion, Olson seconded, to adopt ORDINANCE 1987-244, AN ORDINANCE RE- <br />QUIRING IDENTIFICATION NUMBERING ON BUILDINGS AND RESIDENCES, PROVIDING FOR <br />COMPLIANCE AND PRESCRIBING PENALTIES. <br />VOTING AYE: Potts, Olson, Atkinson, <br />VOTING NAY: Peltier <br />Motion Carried. <br />8.B Preliminary Subdivision Plat (Harstad Companies) <br />On behalf of the Harstad Companies, Mr. Keith Harstad has made application to the <br />City of Hugo to subdivide a 24.75 acre tract of land into 48 single family dwelling <br />lots. This request was initiated by the Harstad Companies the summer of 1986 with <br />sketch plans and preliminary plats subsequently being recommended for approval by <br />the Hugo Planning Commission after the required public hearing. At the direction <br />of the City Council, an engineering feasibility report was prepared at the May 4, <br />1987 Council meeting. At that same meeting, action was taken recommending that <br />the Harstad Companies complete a preliminary plat and submit it to the Planning <br />Commission for review and a recommendation. In their review of the preliminary <br />plat, the Planning Commission questioned the advisibility of taking the parkland <br />dedication in lieu of the $6,000.00 parkland dedication fee. The Planning <br />Commission did, however, make a recommendation consistent with previous Council <br />action to accept parkland dedication with the understanding that the site be <br />located where it can be expanded in the future to serve the entire community as <br />opposed to just a high -maintenance, neighborhood park. The Planning Commission <br />also recommended that any provisions for utility extensions be addressed in the <br />developer's agreement, and that the storm water ponding area and identified wetland <br />be accepted only if approved by the RCWD and the DNR. The Planning Commission <br />recommended approval of the preliminary plat subject to compliance with 18 special <br />conditions. We would recommend that if the City Council approves the preliminary <br />plat, as submitted or amended, that it be followed by direction to the Harstad <br />Companies, to proceed with design of a utilities plan to meet city standards, and <br />the approval of the city engineer. <br />