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100 <br />August 17, 1987 <br />7.A Mining Permit Inspection Report <br />As per Council direction, the city engineer has completed an on-site inspection <br />of the Goiffon/Hansen mining operation. Mr. Kuusisto provided the Council with <br />a written report of the inspection made on August 13, 1987, noting in particular, <br />the need for repairs on Irish Avenue prior to the termination of the mining <br />activities, and the installation of a security gate for the north pit. While in <br />the inspection process, Mr. Kuusisto stated that he did not notice any NO TRES- <br />PASSING signs around the pit. <br />City Administrator, Ken Huber, had also submitted to the Council a proposed <br />resolution defining the term "mining operation". This matter was to - <br />be considered later in the agenda; however, the Council decided to discuss the <br />proposed resolution in conjunction with the inspection report. <br />Councilman Potts reviewed the proposed resolution, and felt that.the document <br />should be withdrawn until certain legal issues are resolved, as defined in a <br />letter from William A. Bierman to Sandra and Robert Malaski. <br />Councilman Olson felt that Mr. Bierman's comments had some merit, and that Mr. <br />Schuh should comply with his permit with reference to the installation of a gate <br />at the north pit and placement of NO TRESPASSING signs. <br />Atkinson made motion, Peltier seconded, that city staff direct a certified letter <br />to the three holders of the mining permit (Andrew Goiffon, Darrell Hansen, and <br />Richard F. Schuh) stating the following concerns be addressed: <br />1. Repair of shoulders on haul roads from the entrance gate of the pit to <br />County Road 8A. Damaged areas are to be patched and.said work to be <br />completed by 9/8/87. <br />2. Lockable gates be installed at the north end of the pit adjacent to 147th <br />Street and at the Irish Avenue entrance to the gravel pit. The gate at the <br />north end of the pit to be installed by 9/8/87, and shall be locked at 7:00 PM <br />daily during the life of the permit. <br />3. NO TRESPASSING signs be installed around the perimeter of the gravel pit. <br />The signs adjacent to a public roadway must be installed immediately with <br />the balance of the signs installed around the perimeter of the site prior <br />to 9/7/87. <br />4. All bituminous materials currently being stored on site must be removed no <br />later than 11/1/87. No additional bituminous materials may be hauled in to <br />the site unless permitted in the mining permit. If it is the intent to haul <br />bituminous materials for recycling, a written request must be submitted to <br />amend Section 2 allowing for the hauling and stockpiling of materials other <br />than those currently specified. <br />5. An updated contour map shall be submitted to the city engineer by 11/1/87. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />Atkinson made motion, Peltier seconded, to amend Item #2 of the mining permit. <br />VOTING AYE: Peltier, Atkinson <br />VOTING NAY: Potts, Olson, Vail <br />Motion Failed. <br />