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/06 <br />lanquage in paragraph 2 and 15 of the oriqinal permit. It. appears that <br />the third WHEREAS of the resolution clearly speaks to Item 14 of the <br />permit as opposed to any other sections of the permit. <br />Atkinson made motion, Peltier- seconded, that Item from the 191':! permit <br />be deleted and the language in Item of the 1986 permit be clarified an - <br />incorporated into the permit. <br />VOTING AYE: Peltier, Vail, Atkinson <br />VOTING NAY: Potts, Olson <br />!`lotion Carried. <br />Atk-inson made motion, Peltier seconded, that Item 4 from the 1987 permit <br />be deleted and the lanquage in Item 4 of the 1986 permit be incorporated <br />into the permit and other language clarified. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />Atk-.inson made motion, Peltier seconded, that the C <br />that the mere returning of empty trucE::s to the qra <br />purpose of picking up a private vehicle to leave t <br />considered part of the mining operation, therefore <br />VOTING AYE: Peltier <br />VOTING NAY: Potts, Olson, Vail, Atkinson <br />Motion Failed. <br />AtF:inson made motion, Vail seconded, that the Cit <br />the returninq of empty trucks to the gravel pit a <br />part of the mining operation and should return to <br />7:00 PM. as per Item #12 of the mining permit. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />8.A _ Special_. Use Permit Re_ nest (Tom Bernier) <br />,ty Council determines <br />rel pit area, for the <br />ie site, is not <br />is permitted after <br />Council determines that <br />ea is considered <br />the gravel pit prior to <br />Tom and Cheryl Dernier have made application for a SUP to construct a <br />6' - 40' accessory buildinq_ in an SFU zone. The city restricts the <br />square footage of accessory buildings in an SFU zone to 981 sq ft. The <br />existinq garaqe exceeds 1,000 sq ft, therefore, the reason for the SUP <br />request. The city has a graduated scale regulating the amount of <br />accessory buildings allowed in various z-oninq districts. Square footage <br />allowed in SFU zones is 980 sq ft, while you can have unlimited storage in <br />a conservancy or agriculture zone if the site is greater than 20 acres in <br />size. The property in question is approximately one acre in size, and is <br />located on the northeast corner of 140th Street and Fenway Avenue. Mr. <br />Dernier noted the need for the additional storaqe facilities. The Huqo <br />Planning Commission unanimously recommended denial of this request.statinq <br />that the building proposed was way too large for a lot of this size in <br />what is to be a single family residential <br />area. <br />