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135 <br />Motion made by Atkinson, seconded by Potts to table the application of <br />Todd and Paul Beecroft for an SUP to operate a landscaping business from <br />9365 122nd St. until Beecroft's provide a fully dimensioned site plan and <br />photographs for council review. This matter will be placed on the <br />11/16/87 agenda. <br />All aye, motion passed. <br />8.5 Resignation from Planning Commission <br />Planning Commissioner, Doug Blanchard, has formally resigned his position <br />with the Commission effective immediately. With Mr.Blanchard's <br />resignation, there are currently two vacancies on the Commission. We <br />would recommend that Mr. Blanchard's resignation be accepted with regret, <br />and that replacements be appointed to the Commission as soon as possible. <br />Motion made by Atkinson, seconded by Potts to accept Mr. Blanchard's <br />resignation from the Planning Commission. <br />All aye, motion passed. <br />Mr. Atkinson wishes to thank Mr. Blanchard for the time and effort he put <br />into to the Planning Commisison and regrets that he will no longer be able <br />to serve. <br />8.6 Norm Horton/Roger Dupaul - Auto Dismantling License <br />Representatives of Modern Auto Parts of Hugo were requested to appear <br />before the Commission to discuss some of the activities taking place on <br />his site with regard to construction of dikes and ditches and their impact <br />on stormwater drainage in this area. Dale Eklin, inspector for the Rice <br />Creek Watershed Distrct, had made an inspection of the property this <br />summer and stated that all construction and ditching had ceased. Mr. <br />Dupaul was also requested to provide water samples on site, and said water <br />samples, as of yet, have not been submitted to the City. The City also <br />requested that Mr. Dupaul provide a detailed site plan of his facility. <br />The Planning Commission, at their meeting of 10/28/87, recommended <br />approval of the Auto Dismantling License for Norm Horton and Roger Dupaul <br />subject to compliance of existing conditions and submission of an <br />accurate, up-to-date site plan for Council review. <br />Mr. Dupaul was not present to comment on the information requested. Mr. <br />Atkinson directed the Clerk's office to send a certified letter to Mr. <br />Dupaul and Mr. Horton requesting an up-to-date fully dimensioned site <br />plan, analysis on water samples, and an explanation of the excavating <br />done on the site. The Hugo Fire Chief is also requested to inspect the <br />property and report the condition of fire lanes and the stacking of tires <br />and vehicles at the council meeting of November 16, 1987. <br />Motion made by Atkinson to table the application for Roger Dupaul, Modern <br />Auto Parts until the November 16, 1987 council meeting when all <br />information requested can be provided. <br />All aye, motion passed. <br />