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137 <br />4. Applicant has made no effort to secure permits to construct a <br />permanent dwelling on this property. <br />5. We have no knowledge of how an address was assigned to this property <br />when there is no approved structure on site. <br />It is our understanding that currently there is a tent, a bus, and a <br />self-contained camper trailer on site in which Mr. Dotte has been residing <br />for several months. We have requested that Mr. Dotte put his plans in <br />writing and make some firm commitments with regard to the temporary nature <br />of his request. In light of Mr. Dotte's failure to do so, we cannot <br />recommend approval of this application as submitted. <br />Mr. Dotte stated he intends to use the temporary mobile home over the <br />winter and plans to start building his home in the spring of 1988. He has <br />obtained the building permit applications and has his plans available for <br />review. Mr. Dotte has a septic tank ordered and would have this installed <br />for use with the tempory home and the permanent home. The question of <br />hooking up to the Metro Sewer line was raised but because the property is <br />not in the Metro Urban Services Area this would not be possible. Mr. <br />Dotte stated that the address used at the site was provided by Mr. Crever, <br />the building inspector. <br />Mr. Art Munger was present and expressed his concern that the Dotte's <br />would be operating a business from their property. He stated that <br />neighbors have continued to upgrade the appearance of their property and <br />are concerned that a commercial operation would deteriorate the area. <br />Motion made by Atkinson, seconded by Potts to table the application of Mr. <br />James Dotte for a temporary mobile home until November 16, 1987 and the <br />five items listed above are addressed. <br />AYE: Potts, Vail, Atkinson NAY: Peltier <br />Howard Kuusisto submitted a report stating the Hugo Meadows Subdivision <br />was ahead of schedule and that curb and gutter may be installed this fall. <br />The Homestead Drive Project plans and specs will be available for the <br />November 16, 1987 agenda. The project will most likely be postposed until <br />the spring of 1988. <br />It was the concensus of the council that the Planning Commission should <br />remain at seven members to secure a variety of opinions to address the <br />applications that come before the City. The clerk's office is directed to <br />publish notices of vacancy in the Forest Lake Times and the White Bear <br />Press encouraging anyone interested to apply at Hugo City Hall. <br />It was brought to the attention of Mr. Potts that there are currently <br />bleachers on site at the Texan Bar. There is some interest in the purpose <br />of the bleachers if they have no SUP for the activities previously <br />proposed. <br />