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1987.11.16 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
1987 CC Minutes
1987.11.16 CC Minutes
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140 <br />Peltier made motion, Vail seconded, to approve the Special Use Permit for <br />Todd and Paul Beecroft to operate a landscaping business on their property <br />at 9365 122nd Street North, generally described as the West 278.7 ft of <br />the East 460.2 ft of the West 1/2 of the SW 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Section <br />36, T31N, R21W, Washington County, Minnesota. Approval is also granted to <br />install two advertising signs on the site in question as indicated on the <br />proposed site plan and the construction of a 17' x 20' greenhouse made of <br />hoops and polyplastic. Approval is subject to the following special <br />conditions: <br />1. All equipment storage and parking be located behind the house and on <br />the driveway running to the existing 22' x 27' shed located on the <br />east property line. <br />2. Landscaping and greenhouse facilities be located as identified on the <br />approved site plan and changes or additional buildings must be <br />approved by amended special use permit. <br />3. The proposed signs must be located where identified on the site plan, <br />and must be maintained in a manner acceptable to the city at all <br />times. <br />4. No lighting shall be permitted for the advertising signs. <br />5. A landscaping plan for the area around the signs must be prepared and <br />said landscaping installed no later than May 1, 1988. <br />6. All activities on site shall be limited to those customary to a <br />greenhouse and landscaping business. <br />7. No structures on facilities may be added to the site in question <br />without first securing a building permit. <br />8. On-site activities permitted shall -not cause the altering of any <br />watercourse, ditch, or drainage system in this area. <br />9. Failure to comply with all conditions of this special use permit shall <br />be grounds for permit revocation. <br />10. The storage of any chemicals on site must be in an enclosed structure <br />and must beinn compliance with all state and county health/safety <br />regulations. Copies of the type of chemicals being stored and <br />location of said chemicals must be filed with the City of Hugo's Fire <br />Marshall. <br />11. The proposed 17' x 20' greenhouse on the site plan be located 20 feet <br />from the west property line as required. <br />12. The proposed advertising signs shall comply with all requirements of <br />Chapter 266 of the Hugo City Code. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />TEMPORARY MOBILE HOME PERMIT (JAMES DOTTE) <br />Mr. James Dotte has made application to the City of Hugo for a temporary <br />mobile home permit to reside on his property located at 5380 165th <br />Street. At the City Council meeting of November 2, 1987, this matter was <br />table pending receipt of the following information: <br />1. Specify the period of time for the permit. <br />2. Provide a detailed description of the intended use of the structure. <br />3. Provide a dimensioned site plan indicating building locations, utility <br />hookups, on-site storage, etc. <br />4. Secure permits to construct a permanent dwelling on this property. <br />
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