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1.5-6, <br />City Council meeting 12/21/87 <br />along the lakeshore. He inquired as to how the city would go about <br />enforcing the SUP, if approved, and Pfurtschellers proceeded to graze <br />their animals on the entire site rather than restricting them to the <br />corraled area. It was noted that neither Mrs. Pfurtscheller or her <br />representative were present in the audience this evening to address the <br />Council's concerns. <br />Olson made motion, Potts seconded, to deny the Special Use Permit to board <br />horses on the 16.9 acre tract of land identified as 8745 122nd Street in <br />Hugo owned by Mrs. Jeanette Pfurtscheller based on the following: <br />1. The boarding of horses owned by others than the applicant constitutes <br />a commercial use of the property which the Council finds unacceptable <br />in a RR2 zoning district. <br />2. Mrs. Pfurtscheller has allowed the grazing of horses in the vicinity <br />of the lake despite the recommendation of the Planning Commission that <br />they be kept a minimum of 500' from the water's edge. <br />3. Failure to provide an approved site plan indicating specifically where <br />horses will be grazed and how animal feces will be disposed of to <br />prevent pollution of Round Lake. <br />4. The applicant failed to appear at the Council meeting this evening to <br />respond to the questions and concerns of the City Council after being <br />notified of said meeting. <br />5. The applicants proceeded with this land -use activity on site without <br />securing the needed SUP or building permits and are now requesting <br />same after -the -fact. <br />VOTING AYE: Potts, Olson, Vail, Atkinson <br />VOTING NAY: Peltier <br />Motion Carried. <br />8.3 REQUEST FOR MINOR SUBDIVISION (SCHLETTY/ZERWAS) <br />Mr. Howard Schletty and Mr. Lyle Zerwas have made application to the City <br />of Hugo for the subdivision of approximately 35 acres into one 15 acre <br />parcel and 2 ten acre parcels by minor subdivision. The property in <br />question is currently zoned agricultural and is generally described as, a <br />part of the northwest quarter of Section 28, T.31N, R21W, in Washington <br />County, Minnesota. The three lots identified on the survey appear to meet <br />all dimension requirements as required in the City zoning ordinance. <br />Copies of this survey were sent to Washington County and the appropriate <br />watershed districts for their review and comments. The three proposed <br />lots are all served by an unnamed public roadway which provides direct <br />access to County Road BA. The property owners are requesting the formal <br />platting requirements be waived and that this property be subdivided by <br />certificate of survey. This subdivision is a resurvey of lots approved by <br />the City two years ago. Mr. Schletty agreed to provide the road <br />right-of-way requested by Washington County. The Hugo Planning Commission <br />recommended approval of the survey at their December 16, 1987 meeting <br />subject to special conditions. <br />Olson made motion, Vail seconded, to approve certificate of survey <br />#12-21-87 for Mr. Lyle Zerwas and Mr. Howard Schletty, waiver of the <br />