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1 SX <br />City Council meeting of 12/21/87 <br />Both parcels meet the minimum road frontage requirement as well as the <br />other dimensions for minimum lot size. The Hugo Planning Commission has <br />unanimously recommended approval of this preliminary survey subject to <br />special conditions. <br />Atkinson made motion, Peltier seconded, to approve the preliminary survey <br />for Gordon and Donna Stroman for the subdivision of a 20 acre parcel of <br />land into two ten acre tracts identified as the NW 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of <br />Section 10, T31N, R21W, Washington County, Minnesota, and subject to the <br />following special conditions: <br />1. The final survey must meet all administrative requirements and be <br />submitted to the Council for approval within 120 days of preliminary <br />survey acceptance or this approval shall be null and void. <br />2. All conditions must be met prior to stamping of any deeds for <br />recording the by City Clerk unless otherwise permitted by Council <br />action. <br />3. Property lines must be identified on site by the applicant to assure <br />proper setbacks if required by the city building inspector. <br />4. Any commercial or industrial use of said property not specifically <br />permitted in this zoning district by the city shall be strictly <br />prohibited. <br />5. Driveway or drainage areas must include the installation of a minimum <br />15" diameter metal corrugated culvert installed in a manner acceptable <br />to the city. <br />b No building permits are to be issued until permits are secured from <br />the appropriate watershed district, Washington County, and the DNR, <br />where applicable. <br />7. All fees relating to this subdivision approval shall be paid by the <br />applicant including the cost of recording documents with Washington <br />County. <br />8. No driveways shall be installed providing access to city roads or the <br />county highway without securing the needed permits from the <br />appropriate governmental agency. <br />9. On-site activities permitted as a result of this subdivision shall not <br />cause the altering of any watercourse, ditch, drainage system in this <br />area. <br />10. Percolation tests for each lot must be submitted to the city prior to <br />final survey approval. <br />11. The parkland dedication fee must be paid prior to recording of the <br />final survey ($125.00). <br />12. Subdivision of this property shall not create any landlocked parcels <br />owned by any party to this subdivision. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />8.5 RESOLUTION INCREASING CODE ENFORCEMENT SERVICES <br />Over a period of the last sir, months, the City Council and Planning <br />Commission have discussed the need for increased code enforcement in the <br />city. The City Council has approved a job description for a code <br />enforcement officer based on the city's needs and has provided for fundinc_ <br />of additional services in the 1988 general fund budget. We have included <br />a resolution authorizing increased level of services based on previous <br />staff and City Council discussions. <br />