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1986.06.02 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
1986 CC Minutes
1986.06.02 CC Minutes
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64 June 2, 1986 <br />5.3 Randy Engholm <br />Mr. Engholm, 6042 165th Street, was present to discuss complaints he has with the <br />Brandt junkyard (formerly Noack's). He submitted a letter stating his concerns <br />which is in the Brandt file. Mr. Engholm iterated the items in the letter, and <br />was informed that their annual renewal of the Auto Dismantling License was on <br />the agenda for the next Planning Commission meeting. Enghold and Daryl Mikesell <br />are to be informed of the PC meeting date. <br />5.4 Marvin Bontrager - Rezoning <br />Mr. Bontrager was not present to discuss this matter. However, James Ward, a <br />person for whom Bontrager had constructed a house, was present to discuss a drainage <br />problem he was having at his residence on 174th Street. Mr. Bontrager installed <br />his driveway without a culvert as required by the permit issued by the Building <br />Inspector. Mr. Bontrager is to be notified that there will be final action taken <br />on his application for rezoning at the Council meeting of June 16th, and the <br />Council would like to discuss Ward's driveway at the same time. <br />5.5 James Weber - Rezoning and Subdivision <br />James and Diane Weber, 16140 Harrow Avenue, would like to rezone approximately <br />16 acres from AG to RR2, creating two parcels of land (6A and 10A). Because a <br />full Council was not present, and a 4/5's vote is required to rezone property, <br />Mr. Weber requested his application be tabl(3iuntil the next meeting. <br />MOTION: McAllister made motion, Peltier seconded, to table the rezoning appli- <br />cation of James and Diane Weber until June 16, 1986. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />5.6 Gerald Clemas - Special Use Permit <br />Mr. Clemas, owner of property at 15657 Forest Blvd., (Mid -American Metal Craft) <br />is proposing the use of the property for light mechanical and body work on vehicles. <br />The property is zoned Industrial. <br />MOTION: Schwab made motion, Peltier seconded, to approve the Special Use Permit <br />for Gerald Clemas, 15657 Forest Boulevard, to allow E & J Auto to per- <br />form light mechanical and body work, and wholesale car sales. Approval <br />subject to the following conditions: <br />1. No more than eight (8) vehicles be stored in fenced area. <br />2. No signs indicating retail sales or "for sale" signs be allowed. <br />3. Special Use Permit is subject to annual review. <br />It was understood that the "fencing" as mentioned in Condition 1 is to be a <br />screening fence. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />5.7 William Rust - Special Use Permit <br />Mr. Rust, owner of property at 12280 Goodview Avenue, would like to use a portion <br />of his property for a commercial nursery. The Planning Commission held a public <br />hearing and recommended approval subject to certain conditions. <br />
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